General Knowledge Compendium – 9


Okay, apologies are due, I suppose. I’m very sorry I couldn’t upload the compendium earlier.
So here’s the 9th compendium covering stuff from where we left off, i.e., 12th Nov to 19th November. It’s a 11 pager, quite lenghty, nay? But it’s exhaustive and very helpful.
Amulya Purushothama and Rohan “World Conflicts” Iyer have jointly compiled it. So yeah, do thank them 🙂

Click on this link to download Compendium 9.


  1. Hey guys….i recently had a mock test in LST and i was pleasantly surprised to find most of the G.K., predominantly current affairs questions, directly from ur compendiums. All you guys are ,indeed, doing a stupendous job. And yeah ..thanks Amulya and Rohan. G.K. compendiums are damm exhaustive and comprehensive.

  2. @rishabh and manasa-dont worry about it…just let us know if you need help with CLAT
    @aymen- have you heard the goat theory??…

  3. i often visit ur website but never saw it completly ………………but today i read all the compendium n quizs they are really amazing . u guys are doing really good job. THANKS FOR UR EFFORT

  4. thanx guys…………..u all r really doing a comendable work…..
    now i am regretting why i joined lst and wasted so much of money……….
    u all are the best……….
    please notify me of ur mock test schedule n please try to start it as early as possible….. 🙂

  5. Thank you guys the compendiums are really helpful…. to the point with no useless stuff … Really got used to it …