The Daily Brief – 25th July, 2017


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  • Ram Nath Kovind was sworn in as the 14th President of India. He became the second Dalit president that India has ever had after late. President K.R. Naryanan and the first president from Uttar Pradesh. He was administered oath to the office by Chief Justice of India J.S. Khehar in Parliament’s Central Hall.
  • The world’s first wind farm called Hywind, which aims to bring power to 20,000 homes is being built at the coast of Scotland in North Sea. The floating wind farm technology will allow wind power to be harvested in waters that are too deep for the existing bottom—standing turbines particularly installed in shallow waters.
  • The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has banned the use of stapler pins in tea bags from January 2018. FSSAI ban order issued under Section (15) FSS Act, 2006 has deemed that any loose staple pin consumed inadvertently with tea may cause a serious health hazard.
  • The Admiralty (Jurisdiction and Settlement of Maritime Claims) Bill, 2016 was recently passed by the parliament of India. Admiralty laws deal with cases of accidents in navigable waters or involve contracts related to commerce on such waters. The Bill seeks to upgrade existing laws related to civil matters of admiralty jurisdiction of courts, maritime claims, arrest and detention of ships. It repeals laws such as the Admiralty Court Act, 1861, Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act, 1890.
  • Professor Yash Pal recently passed away in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. A physicist, academic and higher education reformer, he was known for his contributions to the study of cosmic rays, as well as for being an institution-builder. He was also one of the leading science communicators in India.
  • Aarambh mobile app for performance based maintenance contracting and community contracting for maintenance of rural roads was recently launched by Union Ministry of Rural Development.

    Today’s Quiz

    1. Who was recently sworn in as the 14th President of India?  

    2. Where is the world's first wind farm being built?

    3. On which commodity did FSSAI ban usage of staple pins on?

    4. Which physicist, academician and social reformer famous for his study of cosmic rays passed away recently?

    5. Union ministry of Rural Development recently passed which application for maintenance of rural roads?