General Knowledge Compendiums – September & October, 2014



  1. Click here to download the compendium for September, 2014 prepared by Zainab Khan and Javi Jayavardhan Josyula (Both, Class of 2019).
  2. Click here to download the compendium for October, 2014 prepared by Manjushree Rm (Class of 2019)

Fear not, November and December are on their way! For good karma’s sake, thank the above mentioned folk in the comments below before you download.


  1. My heartfelt thanks to  Zainab Khan, Javi Jayavardhan Josyula and Manjushree Rm!
    P.S.: Hope my ‘karma’ reaps fruits one day.

  2. Thanks  a million tons!!! You dont know how helpful these are! i mean, you provide the core news. thanks a lot, a ton, a heap!! 😀 And yes, november and december soon, please 😛

  3. Thank you so much for gk compendiums. They are really very very helpful. I really thank clatgyan for helping all of us so much!!

  4. Thank you so much for the monthly compendiums! I’m preparing for CLAT 2015 and found these very helpful. I will also be joining your Test Series shortly. 
    If we could only have the monthly compendiums for November and December soon, it would be great. (I understand there are a lot of pressures in Law School so I don’t want to sound demanding. Sorry)
    Even if you publish only for November now it’ll be great 🙂
    Thank you so much once again guys, I cannot stress enough on how much you have helped me. 
    And if I fortuitously come to NALSAR, I will definitely want to join the team. 
    Keep it up 🙂 

  5. Thank you! @zainab @javi @manjushree.You are all going straight up to paradise(I mean when you’re time comes, off course..hehe) for this noble work. (o god XD)

  6.  Curr aff. Compendiums from CG are superb. Looking fwd for Nov and Dec’14 as well..  Thanks so much team for putting this together !!   Thanks a lot !!