General Knowledge Compedium – May 2010


As promised, the first of the “Monthly Compendiums” is here. For the year May 2010, Archit Bhatnagar has assiduously worked on this document and the hardwork shows.

Click here to download Compendium for the month of May 2010


  1. People, thanks again, a million times over.
    As a subsidiary request, could you please put up a revised list of the Union Cabinet? After the reshuffling?

  2. There is a mistake in this document. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation members met at Dushanbe in Tajikistan on 22 May 2010. Not Uzbekistan, as it says in the Compedium.

  3. Georgeous work. Relevant topics have been explained concisely. I personally like where you provide the links to the articles that are worth a read.

  4. My typos are almost everytime geOrgeous: geOrgeously bad 😀 :p

    And I see U are geOrgeous: geOrgeously pick holes 😀 :p
    (Humor intended 😉 :p)

  5. This. Is. Amazing.

    I mean you people work SO hard man, it’s awe-inspiring, really!

    The compendium is amazing. It has helped SO SO SO much!

    P.S: Did I mention this is absolutely AMAZING? 🙂 Thanks Clatgyan!