General Knowledge Compendium – 15


Rohan Muralidharan Iyer has compiled the weekly compendium starting January 3rd and ending on January the 9th.
We’re dealing with a huge backlog, and it’ll take sometime before we make it up. College happened. And this is a good excuse. But worry not, all of January will be up before January ends.

Click here to download GK-15


  1. Does that mean that you are going to provide free compendiums for all the months starting from June 2010 to August 2010 ( for which u haven’t put up the compendiums as of yet)

  2. @Meera – precisely so. All compendiums will b put up. Just that we aren’t in a position to give you an exact date by which they shall be uploaded. BUT they will be!! 🙂

  3. U people are doing an incredible job…..I could hardly get hold of the news during May-august period….U have made my job much easier…Thanks a lot guys…Hats off to you people..

  4. Also, as much as we would try to give you the most exhaustive compendiums but it would be good for all of you to also read the Pratiyogita Darpan magazines of the months you haven’t read. Or get the PD ka biannual edition. They help a lot!

  5. date should be specified in all gk compendiums…so that its clear that on such and ssuch date it happened……think about it…!!