General Knowledge Compendium – April 8th to April 15th 2016



With the academic year coming to an end at NALSAR and the onslaught of end-semester examinations, we haven’t been able to post in the past few days. Excuse our law-school souls for the next week but yes, we will still try our best to bring to you content.

For now, please thank Saumya Jena (Class of 2020) for having prepared the compendium for the second week of April despite a really tight schedule with all the submissions and presentations that she had been flooded with. Comment below before you download it from here.

A lot of people have been asking us whether subscribing for mock test series now would be helpful. Yes, it definitely would as any mock is designed for practice and to ascertain where you stand. It also gives you the chance to rectify your preparation and there are countless of people who have been able to do so even at the brink of CLAT in the previous year. Subscribe to our mock test series and we can tell you that you won’t regret it. 🙂

Until next time.