General Knowledge Compendiums – 24 & 25


The first one’s done by Trishala Kaviti and Apurv Sharma.
The second one’s done by PP and Manasa.
With this, we’ll be left with one more installment before we’re back on track.

We’ve been getting numerous calls asking us about the last 30 days of prep. Depending on whether you’ve worked smartly during the prep period or not – we’re either asking you to chill (and revise as and when you get time) or alternatively, asking you to “buck up”.

We’ll try and help you by compiling a list of important topics to be completed, but it’ll be very difficult to put all of this in a condensed form.

Please let us know if you’d like us to write about some specific issue/topic/problem, and we’ll make sure that we do that (at least).

Till then, all the best!

Click here to download the 24th compendium
Click here to download the 25th compendium


  1. Thank you so much! 🙂 Can you guys just do something like a super-condensed list of to-do’s in logic? Because that’s pretty much going to be the toughest part of the whole clat paper so can you put up something on that please? Thaanks! 🙂

  2. sir, a paragraph on d “points to ponder” for gk, specifically the scams and the landmark judgments of last year would b of gr8 help………..

  3. August might have to wait, but the Jan 9th – 19th will be done by Tuesday, maximum.

    Sorry, we didn’t notice that it wasn’t there.