General Knowledge Compendiums 28-31


Hello, little rays’o sunshine! 😀

Hope you guys are having fun and enjoying the summer heat.

Oh, and how’s prep for that exam you are going to give? =P

We thought we’ll help you with a little last minute preparation. The Compendiums (April 9 to May 05) have been a consequence of delay and (in)efficient division of labor. We must thank the following for taking time out from their holidays to work for CG:

Anjali Rawat

Sanya Samtani

Mohammad Asadulla Shareef

Manasa M Dhar

Varsha D

Akash Joshi

Happy reading:

Click here to download GK-28

Click here to download GK-29

Click here to download GK-30

Click here to download GK-31

Note : The 28th Compendium had mentioned that the SEBI Chairman is G N Bajpai. Please note the fact that
U K Sinha is the new SEBI Chairman.

Also, this post marks the end of this season’s GK Compendiums. It’s been wonderful working with (for) you people. And yes, August 2010 is up. Stop bugging us now. Twits.


  1. will it be safe to consider tat we would be able to score around 35-40 if we r thorough with your compediums??? 😉 :)..anywayz..thanks a lot guys..:)

  2. I mean, this about sums it up:

    “There’re things known, and things unknown, and in between them are….the CLATgyan GK supplements”!

  3. thankyou to the whole CG team for the amazing work they are doing. your compendiums are great. one request…please don’t ever close this site. do do keep it open for us CLAT 2012 aspirants too. its a HUGE help

  4. You guys are simply superb,can’t really tell you how much you have helped us people.If et al i get in my desired law school,it will be all ‘cos of you guys.Keep up the good work!!!!!!!CHEERS!

  5. hello ppl….thanks a ton for the that u ppl have done for us!!
    we are really greatful tou altough we dnt kno u…:)