General Knowledge Weekly Compendium – 1st May to 7th May 2016


Hello folks!

Current Affairs is that dreaded monster that keeps coming back to life with every passing day, and only daily diligent reading of the newspaper can get you through. And we all know how ‘truly’ diligent one can be.

If you have already started your preparation, you might have noticed the Daily Briefs on Current Affairs that we have introduced this year. By being up-to-date with these briefs, you would have minute chances of missing out on a piece of information and guess what? There’s a quiz everyday.

However, commitment to current affairs is tough and there could be lapses on your part. And therefore, CLATGyan is back with its much-loved weekly compendiums that have helped CLAT aspirants over the years to ace the General Knowledge section. The compendiums for the rest of May and whole of June, July and August are on their way and we are doing everything to ensure they reach you soon!

For now, go ahead and download the compendium for the first week of May (1st May to 7th May) from here! You have the comments section to thank us! 😀