A Little About The New Pattern & the August General Knowledge Compendium



Please click here to  download the compendium for August 2014. This was prepared with immense dedication by Zainab Khan (Nalsar Class of 2019), don’t forget to thank her in the comments.

As you might already know, the RMLNLU, Lucknow has finally notified the CLAT pattern for this edition. You can check it out here. Despite big promises of daring to do things differently, they seem to have preferred sticking to a tried and tested method, rather than trying and failing at something ‘new’ (and continuing the annual tradition of almost-successful CLATs).

However, the pattern’s description does leave us with a few clues, and here’s a quick look at them:

  • English: Time to buck up and work on your vocabulary. If you feel that your vocab is extremely weak right now, we suggest you purchase the Bible on vocab: Word Power Made Easy. If you’re time-bound, try our oft-repeated strategy of combining various aspects of your padhai: so, when you read the newspaper, ensure that you are not only looking out for major GK stuff, but also for words that you might not understand. Major advantage of learning it like this, is that you also know its context and usage. Time, also, to revise up on your reading comprehension with our very comprehensive series on the exercise.
  • General Knowledge: Boss, if you’ve been procrastinating GK because “God, like why do I care if Modi snooped on a woman in Bangalore?!” or “OMFG, I read Buzzfeed, so that counts right?”, this is time that you buck up. There is no way you’ll be able to crack GK without some time dedicated to the newspaper and some to basic revision. Keeping that in mind, we’ve increased the proportion of Static GK questions in our “most annoying and difficult” tests as well. Keep in mind that this time, the ambit includes static questions, and current – from March 2014 to April 2015. If you are a little clueless about GK, you need some tough love, here, here, and  here. Or compendiums are being updated as we speak, you can revise the past ones here
  • Math: Anyone who despises Math, I am in solidarity with you. Note that the syllabus for Math has been narrowed down to only stuff till Class X

All the best!


  1. What does it mean “maths has been narrowed down to ” elementary class 10th maths” ?? It was in 2014 as well ?? Are you having some different interpretations; if then tell us.

  2. hey, cool compendium. I actually needed some advice. Yeah gk is a bitch and even though current affairs is hard, the scope is very well defined. We cant really say the same for static though can we? I was wondering if you could advise me on what to study. What’s most likely to come? A reply on gmail or here will suffice.