GK Compendium 18


CG profusely apologises for the delay. Same story – Life happened. Moot, Surprises, Debates and what not. So, without any further ado, we will clear our backlog of compendiums in a day or two.

Niyati Sharma, same year, same sem, has compiled info from Jan 26th till Feb 1st. Do post in your queries and comments and don’t forget to thank her 🙂

Click here to download Compendium 18



  1. The above compiled GK compendium 18 cannot be downloaded as it is shown as a corrupt file…so pls do check it and make the necessary amendments….thanking you again and again..

  2. AH! Was Waiting for some update on your site..I am addicted to u people and your amazing website! So it becomes difficult when I don’t see you active.We surely do understand your problems n your busy schedules.All thanks to you for taking your time out for all of us!
    Thanks for all the Gyan u have been providing us! Hoping to get lots more in near future..:)


  3. nice compendium i really enjoyed de whole stuff !!!!!
    ranbir penal code was de interesting stuff 2 read i hope in ur upcoming compendium we will like 2 see such kind of stuff 🙂 thnx once again jeo do vivo………..

  4. “Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani (36), a Guantanamo Bay detenu and alleged Al-Qaeda member involved in the 1998 bombings of the United States’ embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, was sentenced to life in prison despite being acquitted on all 276 murder and attempted murder charges and four conspiracy charges that U.S. Attorney-General Eric Holder brought against him.”

    This was there in the compendium. How can he be given a life sentence if he has been acquitted of all charges?

    And thanks for the compendiums 🙂