GK Compendium – June 2010


Nishant Kishore Prasad, well known on the website for his contribution to the CR section and also, for his wonderful (literally!) story, has compiled this compendium for the month of June 2010. Thank him for helping an overburdened GK team and also ensuring that you get what you need.

Click Here to Download the Compendium


  1. Awesomely CLEAN and To-The-Point!
    I hope all the compendiums i.e.,of July,Aug,Sept,Oct……January ’11(till now) are posted very soon
    coz’ these compendiums are of immense help!The weekly compendiums are posted regularly though, butI feel the detailed thing is better than the weekly stuff (My personal opinion)
    Thank You CG!

  2. Hey guys gr8 compendium..very properly organised….
    I had a doubt regarding he GK section….Should we study the constitutional part….like other than the news related to it since may 2009???
    And is it a 100% current affairs paper only??

    • 100% current affairs, yes. The happenings between ‘May 2010-May 2011’ is how the CLAT Official site describes it. You need to study only those happenings between these months – If it is constitution you ask about, you should know whatever amendments etc. were made this year. Women’s 33% reservation, for example, is a 2010 event and you should know it. But it is fine if you don’t know an amendment of, say. 1963.