General Knowledge Compendium-7


And with this, we are back on track, sticking to schedule, and the rest of the prep-jargon. This compendium is like the old ones, bulletized points, random facts thrown here and there, not too much to Google, recommended readings, and well, you get the point.

However, you’ll notice the watermark. Do tell us if you like it, ’cause if you don’t, we’ll change it!

Notice that we’ve added another page to the GK section. “GK Doses”, it is basically the Supplements page – however, it’s easier to access now and won’t be hidden when new posts come up. I keep updating the page each day, there are new links that keep cropping up from time to time. Remember, that these “doses” aren’t for LawTest prep alone, they’ll help you form opinions and have a general sense of awareness.

And don’t thank me. I don’t count. And also because this compendium is neither “exhaustive” nor “comprehensive”. Hehe

But if you like the watermark, do tell us. Anindita Mukherjee (again, from Bangalore :S) has designed it.

–> Click Here to Download the sad Compendium <–


  1. Yep, the watermark’s pretty cool! As are the links. Tell me, how much of in-depth study of issues is needed when you’re a lawyer?

  2. I don’t know how much of in-depth study a lawyer requires. But I know that a law student will require so much of in-depth study that it’ll deprive you of sleep, laughter and food.

  3. its good dat u provide us with such a good material for CLAT n awareness………… bt its even better if u provide us with only CLAT related material……………

    • We are not dealing with “cracking CLAT” here alone. You are going to a law school. And trust me, “only CLAT material” won’t help you once you are here.

  4. Amazing..I was so over confident about my current affairs prep that I thought I never required to go through CG materials. When I did..finally I found..I know about 80% of the stuff that you’ve put up..but the rest 20% I’ve blissfully ignored.

    Thanx…I guess I won’t ever be judgemental of what news to take up and what not to.
    Thank you so much !

    And another thing I need to point out – The GK section in LST mocks..jus go through the questions and you will know why ever I mentioned this. LOL