March 2013 – General Knowledge Compendium


Hello, click here to download the compendium for March 2013. Also, for the last two days of GK preparation, here are a few things you should remember:

– Revision is the key.
– You will forget things that you thought you remembered fairly well. So make tiny lists of things that lists could be made out of. For instance, one CG kid I knew, made a list of all the Arab despots; a friend and I made lists of all the missiles that the DRDO tested; a list of all the new election results in the world and states, etc.
– The best way to deal with all the new material we are putting up right now is to skim through the files and look for what you didn’t know and make a note of it. Go through the diary of events once.
– Ask someone to quiz you while you are travelling to the centre, it’s the best way to remember most of the stuff anyway.
– Make sure you attempt as many GK questions as possible, they are the quickest source of easy marks.
– If you haven’t already, do these GK mock sets!


See you in Justice City!