General Knowledge Compendium – 1


GK Contributors Manasa M Dhar and Trishala Kaviti have compiled a compendium of sorts for you, for the month of september (so far). It is exhaustive and covers almost everything that is required to be read.

Happy Reading!

Click here to Download the GK Compendium


  1. Clat gyaan, can probably give even some of the best coaching classes in the country, a run for their money….The website is so good that i manage to cut down on Facebook time and channel it to this website…and that,is saying something!

  2. @ Vaishnavi… Thanks a lot for your kind words. We are the students of NALSAR University of Law and there is no way that we can do coaching classes considering the amount of hectic work we have at NALSAR. Moreover, CLATGyan is basically a non-profit venture and we have no intention of making any money from this. Its our part time job (or a hobbie for some people here). We will try as much as possible to help out all the people who seek for it.

    Do visit the website regularly and spread the word among your friends. 🙂

  3. yea….wat vaishnavi said is 100% true….Hats off guys…u r doing one of the noble prof…teaching students without any expectations from them……..u rock!!!!

  4. @ Keshav… Slaughter us if you get that question and the two options have just a letter of difference between them. and if you know everything of those compendiums already, I guess you shouldn’t waste time reading them.

  5. n I really need ur advice on dis – m an engrn 1st yr student n m preparin for law 2013 n dis is my 1st n last chnc as I missed or CLAT 2012 due d d clash f engrn entrances wid d law ones so as I m managing both things side by side I denote 3 to 4 hrs/day at f most for law preprtn so juz wanted to ask it it sufficient much to get a gud score ? please I really need ur help on dis 1