General Knowledge Compendium – 20


Compendium from February 8 to February 16. Hope the exams are going on well.

A lot of the emails these days have some or the other question pertaining to the “revolutions” in the Arab world, there’ll be more, make sure you the following:

1. Name of the present despot, party he belongs to, years of rule, despot he ousted to come to power

2. Name of his key henchman, who might alternatively be appointed as the Vice-Chairman/President/Prime Minister, etc

3. Key opposition leader (if any), party/organization he belongs to, etc

4. The despots usually promise “not to stand in elections, after___”, keep in mind the year, date, whatever.

5. Terms that come along with these revolutions: “_________ revolution”, “humanitarian intervention”, “no-fly zone”, “refugee situation”, etc

6. Specific regions, names of towns, causes, etc.

7. And, in case of a successful revolution: successor, of what became of the erstwhile despot, etc


Sorry! Got carried away and forgot that I’d to link the compendium. Really sorry!

Click here to download the compendium



  1. I cant see any attatchment with it…!!
    PS- Thanks for this, was waiting for this desperately since i had my exams going around at the same time 🙂

    • Few months back in a prominent LST centre – Students: CG ? What would that be ? They are all crap – just do the modules.

      Few weeks back in the same centre – How are you preparing for Current Affairs ? Students: Silence…and blank stares ( Aside : ..Clat Gyan it is ! DON’T tell anybody ! )

      LOL !

      • Naw.. I tell people. Not in a bid to gain +ve karma or anything but just… To raise the standards of my center. Which in turn raises my standards. I always quote Zig Ziglar on this one ”You will succeed if you just help enough other people succeed”. (and sandipan da… Teehee. I copied your style).

        • ++, I referred the compendiums to a couple of my friends who did take the time out and got them printed out. The rest might be digging into their PDs.. Who knows. Time to stand out 😀

      • hey guys i really follow up ur compendium …. its a guideline which tells u how 2 tackle current affairs … i really love ur compendiums but de point which strucks me is dis sufficient … answer would probably be no .. from ur first -hand experience vot would be an average score nd vot will be de good score …as gk contains a greater weightage as compare 2 other sections ….
        dis is de area we would love 2 grab it … as i think no one is stronger nd one is weaker in dis section … its a ball in every man’s court …. 🙂

  2. Umm.. a spicy news in here: IMS picked up CA questions from CG’s website. 😛
    [ Now don’t say that CA questions will be same anyway!] It’s about the sequence of questions. I guess, they just downloaded the compendiums.. and asked someone to jot down the points and put those questions in the CLAT MOCKS..
    Terrible situation for all the coaching centres.
    They might be cursing you CG! 😛

    And yea, I love the compendiums.. Remember L.O.V.E. wala love? Yea! =)