Doubts/Queries/Questions? – Ask Us!


The ‘Ask Us’ section of this website (or any, for that matter) is one of the easiest to figure out. Jab at your keyboard until your name, email i.d. and question appear in the boxes provided for each, send, and voila! You’re done! But we are all to-be lawyers and we all have an insatiable need to throw around a lot of unnecessary words, so bear with us. question-purzen_Icon_with_question_mark_Vector_Clipart

The ‘Ask Us’ is one of our most prized features. You can ask us anything; right from Legal or Logical Reasoning to information on the best law colleges and the meaning of life. (We charge money for the last one) We shall (almost) strive to answer every query that you pose to us. All questions will be replied to within a maximum of twenty-four hours.

You should ask because,

  • We’re all from a law college of considerable repute. All of us have cracked the CLAT, most of us have also cracked the AILET, the SET and other such exams. Let’s just say we know a thing or two about cracking such tests.
  • We’re a free service. Ha!
  • Since we’re a free service, we are likely to give you honest, unbiased opinions on everything.
  • You’ll rarely find a better opportunity to interact with us NALSARites, (Unless you get here, of course) let alone finding one as an aspirant.
  • Did I mention that we’re free?

A few things, now

  • Do your research before you ask a question. If you ask us who the president of India is, we will reply with something like ‘Chunky Pandey’, because ‘duh! screw you!’.
  • If you think you have a good question, however, DO ASK. You might end up helping not only yourself but also other aspirants, and maybe even us.
  • The answer to some of the more common questions like how one can tackle the GK section or what are your options barring a top rung NLU can be found on the website. More articles are coming up soon. Feel free to browse!
  • If you find the Ask Us page inconvenient, you can always post on our Facebook Group.
  • Do not spam us. If you do, we will track you down, and then we will force you to watch telebrands advertisements for twenty-four hours at a stretch.

So send in those frantic pleas of help, and we’ll be rolling out answers in no time. We hope our answers help you slay the great CLAT monster and its many sidekicks.

Now stop staring at the screen. Send!



  1. if all the words formed by the letters of the word RAINBOW are arranged in a dictionary form , then what is the position of the word RAINBOW in that dictionary?

  2. sir
    i had given my 12 exam in 2014 n i falied in maths
    and again..
    i have falied in compartment exam of maths in calss 12
    so i will be clearing my 12 exam in 2015 after giving maths exam..
    am i eligible to give clat 2015?

  3. sir,
    i have doubt to solve a aptitude question ,
    the question is ” What is the day after 4 days after 2 days before the day before tomorrow”

  4. Can the cases under juvenile justice Act be compounded in Lok adalat ? Is there any provision to restrict the compounding of those offences ?

  5. Your current affairs compendium are brilliant. I like that you’ve broken them down into weekly ones so as to roll them out faster. I had a question, on what basis do you omit certain news. You obviously have to omit certain news. What’s your rationale behind it, how do you approach each piece of news? Do you have a certain understanding of what questions will the CLAT body will put in?

  6. Hi!
    Not much time is left for CLAT and I have my 12th boards ongoing. I am just not able to figure out these things :
    1. how to manage time with 12th boards? the month of April enough for the final preparation(i’m already preparing from the last two years) shall I study GK – current affairs and static.. and how to memorize so much?
    4.what can I do to improve my speed in RC and Legal section?
    5. last but not the least query – is the maths section of CLAT avoidable if I concentrate more on the other 4 sections?

  7. the ratio between speed of the boat and speed of the stream 7:3 downstream time 6 hours 20 minutes then how many hours upstream taken

  8. my score in clat 2016 is 50.25. do i get seat in any of the NLU . my quota is obc & female category.if i get seat in last rank NLU. its ok for me. sir plz reply is their any chance of getting seat……

  9. Sir my rank is 22687. I’m from general category and a women candidate . Do I have any chance to get seat in any of the NLUs. Please suggest.

  10. My clat rank is 3427 ,can I expect nluo in the vacancies after 6th July if not nluo ,then in which university I can expect except for Assam ? Please help me out

  11. Sir/Madam, my AIR of CLAT is 1320 and Category rank(Unreserved) is 1169. I could not get through the first list. Please tell me if I’ll be able to enter an NLU with this rank through the successive lists.
    Thank you!

  12. Sir my name is Arul
    I competed with 95%
    I want to crack Afcat exam
    In this year
    Pls tell me how to prepare and best book for afcat
    Pls help me

  13. i have lost my score rank page …the date to download result is over .tried to contact clat through mail and mobile but failed what to do next