The Battlefield


This article has been submitted by Amala Halder for the CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition. If you think this article is a good read, ‘Like’ this article on Facebook (the button is at the bottom of this piece) or post a comment using the ‘comments’ section below.

Well. How is it like?

We all know perhaps…it’s a place where friends turn enemies and nobody comes to your rescue, you know it’s either do or die. The exam hall is much the same. The only difference is while the battlefield faces noise the CLAT day faces “the famous silence”.

Tense faces all around provoke you to ask yourself “why the hell aren’t you nervous?” You decide to give your best shot. But hey! Wait a second. There are a hell lot of people giving their very best shot.

The 2 hours pass by. The invigilator seems to be most cruel hangman who wants to take the very paper away from you for which you had eagerly waited all these days. You know you could answer a few if you had time. But it’s of no use thinking of it. Your mistress is long gone.

You sit for a while. You try to read the expression on the face of that very classmate (co-incidentally sitting in the same hall) of yours who used to answer more questions than you in the coaching. Finally, you give up your wild predictions when the three most precious words come from her… “thik thak tha..”

Was that a relief?? No way! You know you can’t get your paper back. You make random assumptions for a while till you reach your parents waiting outside the gate. You just tell them it was good. But questions come flowing in “would I make it?” and “What if you don’t?”

I have no idea whether I am the only one thinking this way but getting rid of these questions is so damn impossible.