The CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition – 2015


Hey there!

We’ve been hearing a lot about how this year’s CLAT paper wasn’t as expected , but that’s rarely a new phenomenon when it comes to this exam. You can never really be sure of what the paper will test, but fret not, hard work always pays off. Whether or not you make it to the law school of your choice (we really hope you do, nonetheless), it’s finally time to unwind and do all those things you have always wanted to. We all had a school-is-over-bucket-list, full of things to do once the entrance exams were done with. Reading, doing up your room with college-type posters, watching your favourite movies while feeding your face with ice cream, quizzing, stargazing, travelling, you name it!

For those pragmatic(?) beings who have no I’m-going-to-be-productive plans, CG brings you a chance to try your hand at some writing. For those with writing plans, can there be a better avenue to get your thoughts published and read?

Ta-daa, we bring to you the Fourth CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition! ‘The Window’ will be open to everyone for the next one month, and we will be taking in contributions from your side, to be uploaded on the website and adjudged for prize money!

So, what’s the prize money? Each one of your posts will be reviewed, edited, and if we like it enough, published on the website. The best of those posts will win a cash prize of ₹5000. But that’s not all. We are also giving away another prize for the Most Popular post, the one that has the most number of likes on Facebook. This post will win a prize of ₹3000. 

Who can write? Basically, anybody. Lawyers, law teachers, CLAT enthusiasts, law students, wannabe law students, gonnabe law students … You get the drift.

What can you write about? Anything at all. Preferably not legal, though we wouldn’t mind that either. You can write just about anything: from heart-wrenching personal stories, to a list of good movies; from the pointlessness of life to some good ol’ city lovin’. (I wrote a deep, deep article about taking failure well :P). Please spare us from language like ‘mah lyf cam crshing arnd me’. No word limits, but brevity will be appreciated. (About 800 words would be perfect!)

Email us your articles to, with the subject titled “The Window”. Also, send us your entries as an attachment and not in the mail body itself. A Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format is preferable. We law students are somewhat partial  to the 12 sized, 1.5 spaced, Times New Roman font. The last date for submission would be the 30th of June, 2015.

Get typing, there’s nothing quite like writing to clear the clutter in your mind!