CLAT Essentials | This is how your CLAT day should go…


Hello CLATGyaners! The timer on the top right, I’m sure, is rejoicing. With CLAT around the corner, its job is about to be done.turning-in-my-finals-exam

Since the CLATGyan Test Series has started, We’ve recently noticed this spurt of anxiety amongst you all about OMR sheets. ‘How to fill them up and yet finish the paper?’ So, We’re here to help you with the process of getting through D-Day.

Things you need in the exam hall:

– Your admit card
– 2 blunt pencils: Blunt because it covers more surface area and hence makes the tedious process of bubbling quicker. Also blunt pencil tips do not break as easily as sharpened ones)
– 1 eraser: Ensures you make it to the top 3 law schools
– 1 black ball pen (to write your admit card number in the blocks)
– 1 water bottle (preferably full of water): Sipping small sips water of increases flow of oxygen to the brain (proven by the Indian Army!).

Note: Make sure you do not drink too much water or you will have to pee.(waste of time, you know!)

Things to do the morning of the CLAT day:

– Take a dump: Constipation hinders clear thinking. We’re talking from experience.
– Eat breakfast: Hungry minds don’t function. Eat! but not too much to make you want to poop during the exam.
– Before you leave home, hug your dad and kiss your mom. You may never return from the war front.
– Reach the venue on time. If you get late, you will panic. If you panic, your blood pressure will go high. If your blood pressure goes high, you will not think clearly. It takes 20 minutes for your blood pressure to return to normal. So, don’t take chances and leave home early.
– Don’t talk much. ‘Talking to your friends’ can be done after the exam. Stay calm and quiet.
– Be positive and relax. You have worked very hard and will do well.

Things NOT to do the morning of the CLAT day:

– Do not panic for reasons mentioned in point 4 of “Things to do the morning of the exam”.
– Do not study the morning of the exam. You had enough time to learn whatever you need to learn. The last 2 hours are not going to make any difference at all.

How to Bubble an OMR Sheet:

Things you need:

– 1 ruler
– 1 question paper
– 1 blunt 2B pencil (don’t use HB or any of the H series because they are light. Don’t use darker than 2B because if you – make a mistake, it is harder to erase. Also CLAT’s admit card asks you to get a HB pencil. But, 2B is little better than that one and in fact the perfect one for OMR sheets)
– 1 Eraser
– And of course, the OMR sheet

Things to do:

– Fill in your details like name, etc.
– Make sure you have filled in your roll number correctly. Please recheck the end of the paper.
– Read the questions carefully.
– Select the right answer.
– Take the pencil and fill the appropriate circle in the OMR sheet.

Note: DO NOT mark on the question paper and fill the circles at the end because then you have a higher chance of not finishing your paper. Keep filling the circles subsequently after each question. Also, use the ruler to make sure you colour the circle corresponding to the correct question number. One goes wrong and all the following will also be wrong. You will be SCREWED. So, place it horizontally on the OMR sheet and slide it down question by question.

Note: Most importantly, practice at least 2-3 times before you do the bubbling in CLAT. Here is one test we’re giving out for free for you to practice. Not enough? Here’s one more.



  1. ”Reach the venue on time. If you get late, you will panic. If you panic, your blood pressure will go high. If your blood pressure goes high, you will not think clearly. It takes 20 minutes for your blood pressure to return to normal. So, don’t take chances and leave home early.” And then…

    ”Be positive and relax. You have worked very hard and will do well.”

    Irony much? 😛
    Good read!

  2. I’d like to add Point 3 to “What NOT to do..” :

    There are too many pretty people around you. Look at the question paper, and nothing else.

  3. Hey you Asad, You moderated my comment.
    Anyway this is how I went for my CLAT: Centre was a two minutes walking distance from home. Got up a little late. Put on my shorts and left. On the way I paid homage to ITC and had parents giving me dirty looks.
    Turns out I did just fine.

  4. 2B is much better. Smother and darker.
    But I just noticed, everywhere, one common instruction is to “Use an HB Pencil”.


  5. U have advised us to use a 2B pencil. But the clat form and its detail specify a HB pencil?????? Alsi can I use a click lead pencil have camellin HB lead of 0.5mm each????

    • Man, they cannot really tell the difference between ’em anyways.

      Go ahead and use a HB pencil if you want though. Nothing wrong with that 😛

  6. this time in clat paper legal in legal aptitude section ,,questions wil b framed with the help of legal propostions and a set of facts to which said propostion has to b apliedwt r these legal propostions ?

    • “Before you leave home, hug your dad and kiss your mom. You may never return from the war front.”- quite apt!! Exams are no less than war like situations for us.

  7. If I may give some advice, here it is:

    Take it easy. Don’t think your life is to change and crap. Keep no aspirations, no goals.

    Why was Rancho a better student (*and Ranchoism exists in real life!*)? He gave exams for the sheer joy of it.

    Maybe then you’ll be CLAT-2011 AIR 52.

  8. even though i have never posted anything till date on your website…i feel i should today.
    i don’t even remember how i came across CLATGYAN…..well i could say go google!!!!!!……but i can most certainly say that even if i get into one of the three…all credits would go to CLATGYANmates for showing me what i really wanted from my life and for being wonderful guides in my quest to reach the gates of these acclaimed iits of law……even if i don’t( god forbid) i would still thank all of you for being what you were for the thousands out there like me!!!!!…this is not the end i know….no matter what the results are life will go on so will i….but with gratitude in my hearts to you guys…….
    i won’t make it too sentimental…..but seriously guys
    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

  9. haha…thanks for the VALUABLE suggestions. 😉
    the free tone is helpful cuz its so different from the usual patronizing tone of our teachers! 😀

  10. The tips u gave seem to be very useful and (I myself don’t understand why) in a way motivating.. 😀  

  11. “Before you leave home, hug your dad and kiss your mom. You may never return from the war front.”
    My God!!! You’re giving me goosebumps!!!

  12. we’re allowed erase any erroneously shaded ovals?
    Also i prefer to listen to some epic songs like the Rambo theme,eye of the tiger,etc.

  13. I’m so screwed.. like i’m so damn screwed.. 🙁 :'( not just prepared.. i wish i would have gone through clat gyan a bit earlier 🙁

  14. The result is announced bt because of the traffic , the site aint opening… So can utell us our results ??