

This article has been submitted by Aditya Sheode for the CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition. If you think it’s a good read, ‘Like’ the article (the button is at the bottom of this piece) or post a comment using the ‘Comments’ section below.

Peace is a funny thing. From person to person, epoch to epoch, it has had a different meaning, a different perception and has been associated with the most bizarre things. Scholars opine that “Peace is a state of equilibrium, a certain state to be calm, to be quiet and to be silent, in pursuit of knowledge understanding.” But to what means and to what end? Knowledge, however, is often crowded by opinion and bias – whether a certain perspective by a certain man is above that of another. This opinion, that is further applauded, leads to ego and to a sense of social elevation just like how in the bygone era, kings, queens, noblemen and cardinals used to emerge to bury true merit.

Peace is also often confused with freedom, rights and an ability to speak out against injustice or oppression but I do not concur. A man is so fickle that his wants are infinite with no amount of closure to his desire and is often confused with public opinion, that is nothing but a moving stream of canons of morality and ‘general acceptance’ as well as the desert of senseless so-called traditions that hamper a man.

“As long as there is free will, true peace can never be achieved” Can freedom be a means to achieve peace? Never, it is but a seductive invitation to chaos. The aim is to be true guides of mortal men, to quench every unfulfilled desire and to guide men to safer and sober thought. This preceding statement stands questioned – Who is to be the shepherd? Who is to be the guide? If one wishes to guide a man, one cannot be a man. A soldier receives orders from his commanding officer. But who is to command a simple civilian?

And behold, there was a godlike-knight in shining armor invented by man to suit his own purpose – to simplify positive approaches like providing hope to promote calm and making one’s word the word of God. Some view the Bible as the penultimate path a person must embark on in the hope of being saved. However, what is it about a wizard and his numerous exploits on humanity? Men dressed in robes hold massive ceremonies while they read and recite the books to the masses. The book has placed them in such a privileged stature and isn’t it said that these are but the agents of god himself?

“It is better to be feared than to be loved.” No religious person will agree with this statement. However, God himself says “I am omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. Fear me, for I am your lord. Forget me, and you shall incur my wrath” We teach our children that the actual Message of God is to imbibe the virtues of being kind and compassionate. Then, why do we worship the one who will drag you by the leash? Aren’t these words nothing but just ink cast on paper? Who has the authority to say that this is indeed the word of God?

Basically, peace isn’t actually obtained by living a life of logic, intellect, patience and understanding. Does this then mean that humanity follows the pursuit of knowledge rather than senseless worship and thanking to the one who takes your devotion for granted? What is said about temples and other places of worship is true – “These are places where everyone begs, the rich beg inside the poor beg outside.”

God is rather a creation of the mind. God is made to maintain control, to beg for favors, to mint money and most importantly, to create a false sense of superiority of one man over another.

For one to find peace, one must look inside himself and not seek from the one above him to bestow peace on him. In today’s parlance, need I say, peace out?

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