The Daily Briefs on Current Affairs


Hello, kids!

They say a thing about time, that it stops for no one. We say the same about current affairs. The Hindu and the Indian Express never shut their offices, and as long as they run, they are only adding to your current affairs syllabus. This makes it imperative that you read the newspaper every day. Missing a day would only mean that all such days will continue to pile up. Unless you are okay with studying engineering and working at a call centre, this presents a bit of a problem.

So, what now? Well, starting today (10th of June, 2017), CLATGyan is going to provide you daily current affairs briefs. We will pull out the relevant news of the day and put it into a capsule that you can gulp down with the remorse of having skipped reading the newspaper. These ‘Daily Briefs’ will be emailed to you on a daily basis. But to get such mails, you will have to subscribe by entering your email address on the right side of this page. And if it serves as an incentive, we’ve received a lot of positive feedback for this feature (that we started a year ago) and many top rankers of CLAT 2017 swore by it.

You can (should!) mail us at with all your queries on CLAT prep. You can also send your suggestions on how else we can help you with your preparation. We hope to be a part of your prep and give you a little push (and sometimes, a kick at the rear end) to work hard for CLAT. If it all works well, we’ll see you in Justice City in a year from now!

All the very best!

Team CLATGyan – A group of happy students at NALSAR University of Law.


  1. You guys are awesome! I am always reading all the articles posted on the website, even the old ones from 2011, very much fun, insightful and motivational. THANKS FOR MAKING THE CLAT PREP PROCESS FUN CG! 😀

  2. Can i have a mentor ? I know I’m very late but just giving it a shot ! So it would be really good for me if i got the necessary help

  3. Can I get a mentor, it would be really helpful I am really into my preparation and I need some one to guide me with the problems I face.

    • Hello Eesha! We haven’t yet finalised the details for the test series for this year. Things will be clear after the third week of June! Please keep checking our website for any updates. 🙂

  4. Good morning,
    My name is Aman.I stucked to my preparation.I started my preparation from Today 12 Dec 2018 for CLAT & AILET 2019.But How I cover my syllabus is big task for me.How to go with June to December Current Affairs? since it’s too late to consider it.Give me some tips regarding to Preparation for CLAT by Today mainly for ENGLISH and CURRENT AFFAIRS.
    Kindly help me as I am very desperate that how I cover my Previous left CA from June to December 2018.
    Respond please. thanks