The Twinkle in Her Eyes


This article has been submitted by Snigdha Singh for the CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition. If you think it’s a good read, ‘Like’ the article (the button is at the bottom of this piece) or post a comment using the ‘Comments’ section below.

She was one of the victims of teenage. Failure had clung with both arms to her, only to drag her into the snares of inferiority complex & low confidence. She knew she was to be blamed for it but, secretly, she also knew that it was the world post-CLAT results that had crushed her soul. AIR 9719. Year 2013.

How enraged was she!

Unlike a bright student, she didn’t even know the names of all the NLUs, how ironic indeed! She had become so hopeless for herself that taking a drop year wasn’t on her list of alternative plans. She was also thinking of options like “Bangalore Institute of Legal Studies”, “Ramaiyah College of Law”, etc.

In a desperation to take an admission somewhere, she had filled the forms of almost all the colleges. By the grace of God and much to the disgust and surprise of many of the people who will get to read this piece, she got into one of the lower NLUs (Yes! That year, the colleges had taken admission upto that rank). Unlike other aspirants who were leaving the chance to get an admission at the college only at first sight of the college “building”, she had a twinkle of hope in her eye, that maybe this place could be a platform for her to overcome her failures of past (Yes! She had failed throughout her 12th grade).

3 years on and the twinkle still remains. People had dreams “about” the college and she has dreams “in” the college. The college was looked down upon and she was frowned upon. Everything was the same but do you know what else remained? Zeal and the Anger.

Enraged at the thought of getting judged. Enraged at the thought of being generalized. Enraged at the thought of being called an “exception case” only because she is doing well despite being in a university that is looked down upon.

Getting into a renowned place does matter but, dear readers, getting into ‘a place that struggles’ will make you acknowledge and appreciate the beauty of being a part of that struggle. If you have an affirmative approach towards whatever life brings to you, then you will definitely cut through the clothes of struggle and come out learning its beauty, cut through the clothes of general perception that lower NLUs aren’t worth it.

Don’t worry if you didn’t get a good CLAT rank. Don’t worry if you didn’t get the top colleges.

There is one thing that will determine how good you do in life. You.

Best wishes,
The closing ranker at a college.

Snigdha Singh
Andhra Pradesh


  1. I have been a live spectator of the entire phase and so I say that I drive strength from you. If you have “yourself” ,then, no rank , no score,  no university can decide the range and height of your flight. An institution’s rank is decided by the students present there, and Students like you definitely posses the capability to upgrade the rank of the institution you belong to 🙂

  2. Niti you have clearly depicted the spirit of a true champion who jst never gives up @ any stage if the life…n you r one hell of a champion girl…n I m proud of you!!! :-* 🙂

  3. Indeed. This whole education system is filled with stupid class hierarchy. It is like casteism all over again in disguise. I hope the system gets better someday. That is probably my ray of hope.
    And the writing part. I’ve always admired how you simplify everything in your words. 🙂