The Daily Brief – 30th October 2018

Jair Bolsonaro

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  1. Far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro was on October 28, 2018 declared as the winner of Brazil’s 2018 Presidential Elections. He will be sworn into as 38th president on January 1, 2019.  Jair Bolsonaro, aged 63, is a retired army officer and member of the Social Liberal Party (PSL), an anti-establishment group that combines social conservatism and pro-market policies.

    Jair Bolsonaro
  2. Researchers from the University of Michigan in the US have developed a web-based tool to monitor fake news on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. The tool uses a Platform Health Metric called the Iffy Quotient’, which draws data from two external entities: NewsWhip and Media Bias/Fact Checker.
  3. Bank of Baroda (BoB), Dena Bank and Vijaya Bank on October 24, 2018 decided to constitute internal committees to help integrate the functions of the banks before the merger happens. The Union Finance Ministry on September 17, 2018 announced the proposal to merge these three public sector lenders. The committees will comprise the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and Executive Directors of all the three banks. The combined lending entity is expected to create India’s third largest bank with a total business of more than Rs 14.82 lakh crore, after the SBI and ICICI Banks.
  4. Every day about 93% of the world’s children under the age of 15 (1.8 billion children) breathe polluted air that puts their health and development at serious risk according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). In low and middle-income countries 98% of all children under5 are exposed to PM 2.5 levels above WHO air-quality guidelines. In high-income countries the figure is 52%.
  5. India and Japan signed a currency swap agreement worth $75 billion during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to Japan. A currency swap typically involves the exchange of interest and sometimes of principal in one currency for the same in another currency. Interest payments are exchanged at fixed dates through the life of the contract.
  6. Climate Trends, an Indian group working on environmental issues picked up the 14 most polluted cities in India as per WHO to analyse the CPCB data in summer and winter months for a comparative analysis. According to the report, Delhi tops the charts of bad air quality nationally and India faces the highest air pollution-related mortality and disease burden in the world with more than 2 million deaths occurring prematurely every year, accounting for 25% of the global deaths due to poor air quality.
  7. India is ranked 53 among 105 developing countries with a value of 0.121 by the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), calculated by Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative and UNDP. While overall poverty in India has come down in 2016 compared to 2006, the progress has been uneven among States and communities. MPI takes into account several factors and a value between 0 and 1 is calculated. An MPI value of 1 indicates the highest deprivation level, while 0 indicates the lowest.

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Today’s Quiz

1. Jair Bolsonaro will swear in as ___ president of Brazil?

2. What is the percent of the world’s children under the age of 15 who breathe bad quality air, according to WHO report?

3. According to the Union Finance Ministry proposal, how many public sector lenders are going to be merged

4. India signed a currency swap agreement with which of the following countries?

5. Which is the most polluted city in India?

6. What is the rank achieved by India in MPI?