The Daily Brief – 30th March 2019


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  1. NITI Aayog had organised FinTech Conclave 2019 in New Delhi with an objective of the to shape India’s continued ascendancy in FinTech, build the narrative for future strategy and policy efforts, and to deliberate steps for comprehensive financial inclusion. The Indian fintech ecosystem is the third largest in the world and attracts nearly $6 billion in investments since 2014.

  2. Tashigang, a small Himachal Pradesh village located at an altitude of 15,256 feet has got the distinction of the highest polling station in the world. Even though Tashigang has all necessary facilities like power and water supply but lacks mobile connectivity and election officials will use a satellite phone during polls on May 19. It falls in the Mandi Lok Sabha seat, the second largest constituency in India.
  3. State-owned Power Finance Corporation (PFC) has become india’s second largest financial firm behind SBI with the acquisition of majority stake in REC Ltd by transferring Rs 14,500 crore to the government. PFC will be the third-highest profit-making financial player in India. The merger of both the entities is expected to be completed in the next fiscal year in consultation with the government.
  4. Hyderabad-based pharma Laurus Labs Limited has announced that it has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with Global Fund for a period of 3.5 years for drugs from the Global Fund for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was created in 2002 to raise, manage and invest the world’s money to respond to three deadliest diseases.
  5. Brunei, a small Southeast Asian nation, announced the enforcement of a strict Sharia law, under which those found guilty of adultery or gay sex would be subjected to death by stoning from April 3, 2019. Brunei had first announced the introduction of the law in 2013 but was put on hold amid criticism. The sovereign Islamic nation is ruled by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. He gained power as the head of the state on January 1, 1984, when the nation gained its independence from the United Kingdom.
  6. European Parliament on March 28, 2019 has voted to ban single-use plastic products. According to the report by European Parliament, Europeans generate 25m tonnes of plastic waste, but less than 30% is collected for recycling. More than 80% of marine litter is plastic.
  7. Assam Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) Mukesh Sahu launched the Enajori initiative in Guwahati for persons with disabilities with an aim that ‘No Voter to be Left behind’. Under this initiative, comprehensive mapping of PwDs will be done in consultation with Booth Level Officers, Divyang Sarothis and a woman mascot-Chandraprabha

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Today’s Quiz

1. Since when FinTech Conclave is being organised in India?

2. Where is the highest polling station in the world located?

3. Which is the India’s largest financial firm?

4. When was Global Fund created?

5. Which country has announced the enforcement of a law under which those found guilty of adultery or gay sex would be subjected to death by stoning?

6. In which year Brunei got independence from UK?

7. Which states’ Chief Electoral Officer launched the Enajori initiative for persons with disabilities with an aim that 'No Voter to be Left behind'