General Knowledge Compendium – 27


Here’s the compendium: click here to download.

Also, here is another version of the same compendium.

This will be the last compendium till May 3rd. We have our exams, so, you might have to cooperate.

Also, remember that you MUST NOT stop reading the newspaper “15-20” days before the paper. Read it till May 15, you never know what you’ll get to read and remember that you’d have otherwise missed.

Yes, yes August compendium! Stuck! Asad has promised that he’ll do it and upload it asap. If he doesn’t, spam him at

All the best!



  1. hey …may i knw if u guys l upload a compedium for august 2010 and april8 to may1….???
    and thank u so much guys…every user of this website l b thankful to u for all the efforts u guys hav put in to help us…:)

  2. i cnt reli describe in words….how much clat gyan has helped me gain bak my confidence in current affairs…..i was in a state of giving up…..tnx everyone for compliling each one of em….proud to be a clatgyaner….tc guys….hope to see ul soon