The Daily Brief – 4th December 2019

Immunization underway

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  1. The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is observed by the United Nations on 3rd December annually since 1992. The day aims to promote the well-being of persons with disabilities and to increase awareness regarding their situation in social, political, cultural and economic contexts. A one-day event is being organized by the UN at its headquarters and new initiatives are set to be launched under the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy. Major focus of these initiatives will be on achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 17 (SDG 17) that pledged to “leave no one behind”.
  2. The joint military exercise between India and Nepal – SURYA KIRAN – XIV – will be conducted from 3rd December to 16th December 2019 at Salijhandi in the Rupehndehi district of Nepal. The exercise is an annual event and is conducted alternatively in both the countries. In this year’s edition, 300 soldiers from both sides will participate and share their experience in conduct of various counter insurgency and counter terrorism operations in addition to humanitarian assistance missions.
  3. Sub Lieutenant Shivangi completed her operational training in Kochi, Kerala to become the Indian Navy’s first woman pilot. She received her “golden wings” from Vice Admiral AK Chawla in a ceremony held at INS Garuda and will fly the Naval Dornier surveillance aircraft.
  4. The Punjab Government approved the amendment of Punjab Village Common Land (Regulation) Rules, 1964 with the aim to create land banks in rural areas to boost industrial development in the state. The approved amendment provides a special provision to transfer shamlat land, which is land that does not come under cultivation and habitation, to the development of industrial projects. Now, the shamlat land will be transferred to industry department or state-owned Punjab Small Industries and Export Corporation (PSIEC).
  5. The Ekalavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) have received financial assistance from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for their upgradation and modernization. Each school under this model will receive an amount of Rs. 5 crores and this will be used to expand existing academic blocks, renovate classrooms, construct hostel rooms and upgrade sanitation facilities. The scheme has been allotted funds under Article 275(1) of the Constitution which permits the Government of India to allocate funds annually to different states, schemes or groups to meet their costs. The EMRS scheme was introduced in 1997-98 to provide remote tribal children with better access to quality education.

    Immunization underway
  6. In a bid to focus on the full immunization coverage of 272 districts over 27 states, the Central Government has launched its flagship scheme ‘Intensified Mission Indradhanush 2.0’ among hard to reach and tribal populations. It will be carried out between the period of December 2019 and March 2020. The mission aims to prevent eight diseases (measles, tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, Hepatitis B, meningitis, tuberculosis and poliomyelitis by conducting four rounds of immunizations.
  7. In order to increase enrollments under the National Pension Scheme (NPS) for traders and the Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM), the Labour Ministry is celebrating “pension week” from 30th November to 6th December, 2019. The aim is to enroll one crore beneficiaries under the PM-SYM scheme and fifty lakh beneficiaries under the NPS-traders scheme. The monthly contribution for the scheme has been kept at the lowest level ranging from Rs. 55 to Rs. 200 per month, in order to increase enrollments.

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Today’s Quiz

1. Since which year is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities being organized by the United Nations?

2. The joint military exercise SURYA KIRAN – XIV is conducted between India and which other country?

3. Name the Indian Navy’s first woman pilot who completed her operation training in Kochi, Kerala recently.

4. Which state’s government recently approved an amendment that permits transfer of shamlat land to the development of industrial projects?

5. What amount is each school under the Ekalavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) set to receive from the Ministry of Tribal Affairs?

6. The Intensified Mission Indradhanush 2.0 is an immunization programme that seeks to prevent how many diseases?

7. When is the Pension Week being celebrated?