January 2015 – CLATGyan Mock General Knowledge Set

1. When was the National Immunization Day for the year 2015 observed?

2. Research centre launched by Gujrat Technelogical Unit(GTU) collaborating with Cyber Peace Foundations to solve crimes?

3. PETA has announced to create India’s first fenced elephant sanctuary in which Biological Park?

4. Where was the 18th National Conference on e-Governance held in?

5. Name the deposit scheme launched under Beti Bachao Beti Padhao(BBBP) campaign.

6. Chief Justice of Sri Lanka?

7. Who is the Director General of ITBP?

8. When is the Anti Leprosy Day celebrated?

9. ICC recently lifted ban on which Pakistani player?

10. Which country is going to host ICC T20 world Cup 2016?

11. Who was awarded the Bradman Young Cricketer of the Year Award?

12. Who is the Foreign Secretary of India?

13. First Lady Officer to lead inter service Guard of Honour?

14. Who is the current PM of Greece?

15. Special DG of Central Reseve Police Force?

16. Who has been crowned Miss Universe 2014 and which country does she belong to?

17. Name the Thailand Premier who was recently impeached.

18. When is the National Girl Child Day celebrated?

19. First International Institute of Music will be set up in which Indian State?

20. World’s Largest Verical Maze Tower is located in

21. Chairman of Central Board of Film Certification

22. Where will the World Congress on Information and Technology be held in 2018

23. When is the National Immunisation Day celebrated?

24. Which cricketer has made the Fastest Century in ODI?

25. Who has recently been appointed as Nepal’s Ambassador to India?

26. A book on Sonia Gandhi’s life written by Javier Moro was recently released in India. The book is titled:

27. National Award for e-Governance for best District Level Initiative was given to which Indian State?

28. Giraffe Hero award was conferred upon

29. Baba Ramdev has been appointed as the Ambassador of which Indian Stat?

30. Who is the Chief Election Commissioner of India?

31. Who has been given Social Media person of the Year Award?

32. Who holds the World Record of swimming 1.4 miles in 52 minutes in one degree temperature in the Antarctic Ocean?

33. Which team won the Football Federation Cup?

34. 1st District in India to have complete Rural Broadband Coverage?

35. Madagascar PM who resigned?

36. India’s first compressed natural gas (CNG)-powered train from:

37. Chairman of ISRO?

38. Who won the Ballon d’or 2014?

39. When is the National Youth Day celebrated

40. Who has recently been appointed as the Chief Justice of Bangladesh?

41. Which National Park shut down for one week after 47 migratory birds were found dead in the park?

42. An app was introduced for women’s safety while travelling on trains.

43. Which Metro city has launched a bicycle-sharing scheme for Metro users?

44. Who is the new Governor of Uttarakhand?

45. President of Sri Lanka?

46. Joint airline venture of TATA-SIA?

47. President of Mali?

48. Which State Assembly unanimously adopted a resolution urging the Union Government to set up a high court bench in the second capital of the state?

49. Brand ambassador of Andhra Pradesh health sector?

50. First Chinese online bank?

Bonus Question 51. US Envoy to India?

Make sure you’ve solved the previous ones. Click here to know more about these sets. Please thank Parika Kamra (Class of 2019) for preparing this quiz in the comments section below.