CLAT: Controversial Law Admission Test


This article has been submitted by Aditya Kumar  for the CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition. If you think it’s a good read, ‘Like’ the article on Facebook (the button is at the bottom of this piece) or post a comment using the ‘Comments’ section below.


According to Wikipedia, CLAT, Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) is a centralised test for admission to prominent National Law Universities in India.

Like some other 45000, I also appeared for CLAT this year and well to say I’m not surprised at all by the way it has been till now. RMLNLU, the body conducting the examination this year has continued the legacy by making it at par with the previous years controversies.

In 2009 the paper got leaked. In 2011 the candidates were disappointed with the standard of the examination. Moreover some of the answers of various questions were even underlined due to the negligence of the organizers. In 2012 the pattern was changed. Moreover there were errors in the rank list. In 2014 GNLU messed it up completely and now the present situation is no different.

God knows when the FIRST ALLOTMENT LIST will come out? But my question is that why does it have to be every year that CLAT is marked by controversies. Secondly, why can there not be a permanent body that conducts the examination? Thirdly, why can they not make a paper having 200 new questions in one year’s time? Why is it that they have to look for questions from previous years CAT papers or previous years CLAT papers? Well there is no harm in questions that are based on similar lines or similar pattern, but why does is it have to be the same questions repeated year after year? Considering the amount of money they charge as examination fee (that is the highest amongst all competitive exams- CAT charges 1600,JEE MAIN charges 1000,AILET charges 3500,SET around 2000,etc) we get

3500* 45000    =157500000


I have considered 3500 as the fees just to show the facts, I know it is 4000 for general students. Now coming to the point they get close to 16 crores and they can still not conduct an examination for 45000 students efficiently. There has to be a problem somewhere, I suppose.

I called on the toll free number provided by RMLNLU or I should say the troll number they have provided ,to ask for the ALLOTMENT LIST. I called there 21 times in a span of 3 hours and what do I get to hear: PLEASE DIAL AFTER SOME TIME THE NUMBER YOU ARE TRYING TO REACH IS CURRENTLY BUSY. Seriously 3 hours and you are busy .They say they have 10 lines for one number.

God knows when will all this be solved .But I just hope all this nonsense stops and this be the last time all this happens. I hope a permanent body is  made. Amongst all this commotion, what about the students who cleared the examination, spent some thousands on treating their friends. What if they conduct a re-exam. And what if students who don’t get a result the next time start complaining, what shall happen then, a best of three or something. I did not study to be in this situation. I studied because I wanted to be with the best minds of the country, to be in one of the best NLUs. And now because of all this nonsense I don’t know where my future lies. All I can do is hope.  Hope for this to end and college life to begin as soon as possible.



GEN-CLAT: AIR 159 (NUJS Shayad)





P.S. –All this was not required but I just wanted to show off.  😀

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