A Sin


This poem has been submitted by Isha Prakash for the CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition. If you think it’s a good read, ‘Like’ the article on Facebook (the button is at the bottom of this piece) or post a comment using the ‘Comments’ section below.

Staring at the lingering souls so near,
Every word and action here; only influenced by fear.
Even as my starved body unaffected my mind,
My cerise eyes by the truth were made blind.

Wondering why our forlorn hope was so formally snatched,
My weakening faith in humanity further on detached.
Anatomical pain by now was a significant part of me,
But the inconsolable mental trauma grew free.

I had stopped feeling at a young age,
As happiness in our lives was never an existent stage.
All of us had weakened in every way,
Looking for a little light that might in front of us lay.

We were like anchors dropped from the boat,
But neither did we have a bottom to reach nor could we float.
We were like zombies, only half-dead.
Everyday to inexpressable torture fed.

Living a nightmarish reality with many of my ‘kind’,
Fearing the brutal creatures who had against us aligned;
Until one day, we were pushed towards one of the mystery portals,
Chambers from where no one could return as mortals.

I think our relieved hearts together gave a sigh,
Finally we were nearing the end of our strife.
What great sins had we made them induce?
Or was it a sin in itself that we were born Jews?

– Isha Prakash