Results – CLATGyan Blog Post Writing Competition, 2015


CLATGyan had conducted a Blog Post Writing Competition immediately after CLAT 2015, to transform the post-CLAT joblessness into some productivity. We had requested Prof. Manav Kapur, an alumnus and subsequently a faculty member at NALSAR University of Law, to judge the competition. Prof. Kapur writes wonderfully himself, reads extensively, and has taught courses on Law and Language, and Law and Literature amongst others. He also happens to have the wittiest of insights and remarks, and is very popular amongst his students. We thank him for devoting his valuable time and wish him luck for all his future endeavours.

The competition this year has been extremely successful with around 100 entries being sent. We had published 39 of those over the last two months. As difficult as the decisions were for Prof. Kapur, he has picked the winner to be The Window, by Maitrayee Dixit. In keeping with CLATGyan’s tradition of awarding a prize to the most popular post based on the number of likes at the bottom of the post, this one had to be The Best Worst Things, by Anahita Pathak. The decision with respect to the winner has been a hard one, and Home, by Rudresh Mandal and Onwards, submitted anonymously, deserve special mentions. Congratulations!

And with this post, CLATGyan’s 5th season comes to an end. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions/queries, shoot them to Also check out the CLATGyan Test Series here, and the first Free Mock Test here.

Good luck, and see you in Justice City if you prep hard enough!