Contextual Vocabulary Exercise – 1


Now that we know that there will be no proper vocabulary in CLAT 2011 and what actually is going to be asked is contextual vocabulary, we bring you this exercise, which deals specifically with idioms. Idioms are an essential part of contextual vocabulary and make sure you practice the art of deducing the correct meaning of italicised phrases perfectly. In case you’re not familiar with ‘idioms’, click here to know what idioms are and to download a list of 250 commonly used idioms.

The following exercise has 25 questions. Select an answer and click ‘Next’ until you reach the 25 question. Then, click ‘Show Results’ to end the exercise and review the answers

1. Ram’s most trusted friend Shyam turned out to be a snake in the grass.

2. The minister for human resource and development stuck his neck out by promising a laptop for every student in the country.

3. In spite of consistent plotting, the crowd could not heap coals of fire on Raju’s head.

4. Those who make no bones about such actions face a tough opposition

5. Balu always leads others up the garden path.

6. Mr. Verma will do to anything to rock the boat, if he knows about your progress.

7. Vishal’s oily tongue has won him the promotion to the highest post in the department.

8. To find euphoria in the world is a wild goose chase.

9. Kiran chose to sail close to the wind and she consequently emerged successful in life.

10. The president is like a cog in the wheel of this association.

11. He managed to secure a post for himself at the software company through backstair influence.

12. For the first week, the trainee felt like a fish out of water.

13. He turns even his errors to account

14. Tanvi keeps everything in an apple pie order.

15. The boss soundly rated his employee for his slackness.

16. Aruna was in a brown study to have notices my entrance.

17. His prodigal son was a persistent headache for him.

18. He is loathed because of his habit of making a mountain out of a molehead.

19. The reproduction of the last supper by an eight year old matches the original to a hair.

20. You better keep your nose clean!

21. This point is a moot point whether the workers should stop work or struggle on in this difficult project.

22. In summer, woollen goods are close to a drug in the market.

23. There is no love lost between the residents of the apartment.

24. Do not mince matters. Tell me the truth.

25. They sold their ancestral house because it was a real white elephant.

By : Varsha Deiveegan


    • Contextual Vocabulary is when you’re asked to give an antonym or synonym to a word in a sentence. You’ll have to understand the CONTEXT of the word and not it’s general meaning. (which means you’ll have to use logic and not dictionary).

  1. to censure means to criticise so i dont get y d is incorrect, also by asking someone not to mince matters we mean that the person should tell us something with frankness and without holding anything how is only option b correct for Q24 ? Thanks

  2. em a fresher currently in 12th..i sored jus damn bad.reely screwd me out ..hw to bcum familiar wid contextual vocab..[especially wid idioms] me out..

  3. you can keep your vocabulary up to date by checking The Opus Way’s Word of The Day

  4. Answer for the 16th question should’ve been “reverie”. Actually (a) and (d) are similar but (a) sounds more appropriate because in that case the person is lost in thoughts whereas while dreaming we’re in a subconscious state of mind.

  5. Question no. 16 the idiom relates to reverie that is daydream there is a thin line of difference between dream and daydream