The Daily Brief – 15th September 2017


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  • The first map of water trapped in the uppermost layer of Moon’s soil was created by scientists from Brown University, USA. It was built using NASA’s Moon Mineralogy Mapper onboard Chandrayaan-1 spacecraft. The map builds on the initial discovery of water and related molecule – hydroxyl – in the lunar soil in 2009.
  • The Home Ministry of India will soon grant citizenship to nearly one lakh Chakma and Hajong refugees who came from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) five decades ago and are now living in the northeast.
  • India and Japan have inked open sky arrangement to allow airlines from both countries to operate unlimited number of flights after exchanging Record of Discussions on civil aviation cooperation with respect to open sky.
  • The Government of India signed a 76 million dollar loan deal with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) for starting upgradation project related to environment management pan at Alang-Sosiya ship recycling shipyards in Gujarat. The project will help the shipyards to comply with international safety and environmental regulations while attracting more business at the recycling facilities at Alang, consolidating India’s share in global ship-recycling industry.
  • The 36th National Games will be hosted by Goa in November 2017 after it was awarded the rights to host by the Indian Olympic Association.
  • International Day of Democracy was observed across the world on 15th September with this year’s theme as “Democracy and Conflict Prevention”.
  • “Unstoppable: My Life So Far” authored by tennis sensation Maria Sharapova was unveiled. It talks about the tennis star’s rise to stardom and the unending fight to stay on top.