The Daily Brief – 17th January 2020


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  1. A three-day International conclave on ‘Globalizing Indian Thought’ was held from 16th to 18th January, 2020 in Indian Institute of Management (IIM), The conference witnessed representations from renowned academicians, public figures and the presentation of close to 100 world-class research papers. The conference was inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The conclave aimed at revealing India’s thoughts in becoming one of top three economies of the world.
  2. The first Session of India-Norway Dialogue on Trade & Investment (DTI) was convened in New Delhi on 15th and 16th January, 2020, based on the Terms of Reference (ToR) signed between India and Norway during the visit of Prime Minister of Norway on 8th January, 2019 in New Delhi.  This was the first meeting after the signing of DTI. Joint Secretary, Department of Commerce, Nidhi Mani Tripathi and Director General, Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, Mr. ErlingRimestad co-chaired the session. The first Session was preceded by an industry interaction where discussions were held on various areas of mutual interest like blue economy, shipping & maritime, ICT, renewable energy, fisheries and MSME.
  3. Based on data collected from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Henley Passport Index 2020 which provides the rankings of the world’s most powerful passports has been released. The Index is based on the number of destinations their holders can access without visa. As per the index, Indian passport slipped its rank from 74 in 2013 to 84 in 2020. Japan’s passport which is the most powerful passport in the world has access to 191 countries without any visa. The list included passports of 199 countries and 227 tourist places. Currently, Indian passport holders can go to 58 countries without obtaining a visa. The Henley Passport Index started in 2006 when India was ranked 71.
  4. World Economic Forum on 15th January, 2020 released its 15th edition of Global Risks Report which isbased on WEF’s annual Global Risks Perception Survey, which comprises views of around 800 members of WEF’s diverse communities. Extreme Weather and Climate Action Failure are the top risks in terms of likelihood. The report has categorised all the risks into 5 namely economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological risks.
  5. Army Day is celebrated on 15th January every year in India to salute the valiant soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the country and its citizens. On this day in 1949, the first General of Indian Army, General K M Cariappa took charge. The power was transferred to Mr Cariappa from the last British General Bucher. General Cariappa’s retirement day 14th January is celebrated as Armed Forces Veterans Day every year.
  6. Union Minister of State for Culture and Tourism (IC), Prahlad Singh Patel launched a month-long exhibition on Indian Heritage in Digital Space and a two-day long first International Heritage Symposium on 15th January, 2020 at National Museum in New Delhi. This exhibition is first of its kind in the country and will stay online until 15th February, 2020. The exhibition also consists of a special installation called “VIRAASAT” which provides mixed reality experience to visitors through 3D printing.
  7. Secretary of Ministry of Petroleum& Natural Gas Dr. M.M Kutty launched ‘Saksham’, an annual one-month long mega campaign on fuel conservation of Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) in Delhi on 16th January, 2020. PCRA is a Government think tank that proposes strategies and policies on petroleum conservation and environment protection.

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Today’s Quiz

1. When was the Terms of Reference (ToR) of India-Norway Dialogue on Trade & Investment (DTI) signed?

2. Which country topped in the Henley Passport Index 2020?

3. What was India’s rank in Henley Passport Index 2020?

4. Who released Global Risks Report?

5. On which day is the Army Day celebrated?

6. 'Saksham' is a mega campaign on ______________

7. On which day is the Armed Forces Veterans Day observed?