The Daily Brief – 25th March 2017


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  • As a part of the Digital India campaign, the Bihar state has decided to provide free-WiFi to the students in the state. It is part of the seven decisions of the Grand Alliane Government in Bihar to promote governance.
  • With 73 percent, Andhra Pradesh leads the most number of Jan Dhan accounts that are linked with Aadhar numbers. This linking will ensure transparency in the banking account and will curb corruption. Jan Dhan accounts are created for the welfare of the people below poverty line.
  • A conference on Make in India was held in Houston. Hosted by the Asia Society Texas Centre, it was the first Houston-India conference. The theme of the conference was “Make in India- The Inside Story”.

    Make in India logo
  • Five Indian cities were tentatively included in the World Heritage Site list by the UNESCO. United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has added the following five cities on the basis of their cultural tradition, architectural development, town-planning, etc.: Ahmedabad, Delhi, Jaipur, Bhubaneswar, and
  • Tanushree Pareek became the first woman field officer of Border Security Force (BSF) after 5 decades. BSF is a primary border guarding forces of India and one of the five Central Armed Police Forces in India, and is headed by K. K. Sharma.
  • Scientists from University of Glasgow developed a technology that could use the sun’s energy to charge prosthetic limbs for better sense capabilities. Prosthetic limbs usually use batteries.
  • March 25th was observed as the International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members by the United Nations. It is marked to commemorate the anniversary of abduction of Alec Collet, a former journalist, who was working for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and was later found dead.
  • March 25th is also observed as the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It is observed to honour the many people who have lost their lives to the transatlantic slave trade over 400 years ago which has been called the worst violation of human rights in history. The 10th anniversary of the event, 2017 carries the theme “Remember Slavery: Recognising the Legacy and Contributions of People of African Descent”.


  1. Thank you, whoever is making this. I’ve been referring to your GK briefs since Sep, and you cover a lot of sensible points which GKToday and Pratiyogita Darpan miss out. Hope you also do GK briefs of March 1st to 13th, and that of April too! Else, this is probably the last time I’m visiting your website, so good work!
    Thank you again!

    • Hi Jayanth, the briefs for the 1st to 13th March have been uploaded a long time ago. If you scroll down on the Briefs page, you’ll find them. The April briefs are coming up this week.