The Daily Brief – 29th May 2019

Apurvi Chandela

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  1. India has been elected to the Executive Board of first United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat) Assembly headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya. The first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly will be held from 27 May 2019 till 31 May 2019 during which it will review and approve the UN-Habitat Strategic Plan 2020-2025 and will also review Progress in implementation of New Urban Agenda. The special theme for the first UN-Habitat Assembly is ‘Innovation for Better Quality of Life in Cities and Communities’.
  2. During the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, the World Health Organization (WHO) has for the first time recognised “burn-out” in its International Classification of Diseases (ICD). WHO defined Burn-out as- syndrome conceptualised as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Established in 1948, ICD is revised periodically and this year is currently its 10th revision.
  3. The outgoing NDA government has decided to merge the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) with the Central Statistics Office (CSO) to form National Statistical Office (NSO) under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI). The objective of restructuring is to strengthen and streamline the present nodal functions of ministry and to bring in more synergy by integrating its administrative functions within ministry.
  4. In recently released foreign-exchange report, the United States removed India and Switzerland from its currency monitoring watchlist. India, China, Japan, Germany, Switzerland and South Korea were placed in this bi-annual currency watch list in October 2018. Countries which indulge in manipulating the currency exchange rate for gaining unfair competitive advantage in international trade often end up with the tag of a currency manipulator.
  5. The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers was observed globally on May 29, 2019 with the theme “Protecting Civilians, Protecting Peace”. Commemorating the first UN peacekeeping mission that was established on May 29, 1948, the day aims to pay tribute to the invaluable contribution of the civilian personnel and honours the UN peacekeepers who have sacrificed their lives while rendering peacekeeping services.

    Apurvi Chandela
  6. India’s Apurvi Chandela won gold in women’s 10m Air Rifle at ISSF World Cup Rifle stage III held in Munich, Germany. This is her career’s fourth ISSF medal. India already holds five Tokyo 2020 Olympic quota places in Rifle and Pistol competitions secured by Saurabh Chaudhary, Apurvi, Abhishek Verma, Divyansh Singh Panwar and Anjum.
  7. Sri Lanka signed a tripartite agreement for development of eastern terminal of Colombo Port with India and Japan. The Sri Lanka Port Authority (SLPA) will hold 51 percent majority stake in the port; while Japan and India will have combined stake of 49 percent. All the parties will work out details of the project at joint working group meetings.

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