The verdict on Ayodhya: a historian’s perspective
A Reading On Africa’s “progress”
The Second Demolition – Nivedita Menon
“The Consistent Judicial Wrongs on the Muslims of India”
What is the Enemy Property Bill-Amendment Saga About?
The Babri Judgement: Threat to Secularism?
Sri Lanka’s 18th Amendment, A threat to Sri Lankan Democracy.
CIC’s Ruling Raises Hopes for Transparency in Governance
DN Jha and the History of Babri
Eco or Posco? [Make a note of the committees and the various acronyms and names]
Judges’ Retirement Age: Protecting the Lawgivers?
Suicide bombing: Islam or Foreign Occupation?
5 Zombie Ideas that refuse to die
Judiciary Upholds the Syrian Christian Woman’s Right to Property
Youngest GITMO Detainee pleads guilty
[What is plea bargaining, is it legal in India? Merits? Demerits?
Corruption in the Judiciary: Lowering the Bar?
Madban and the Struggle Against a Nuclear Power Plant
Jean Dreze On the Indian Middle Class
Freedom to Speak and the issues regarding Hate Speech
AFSPA: National Security Tyranny
Zimbabwe’s Blood Diamonds, India and the Kimberley Process
What’s up in our Neighbors’ Courts?
Cabinet Approves the “Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Workplaces Bill”
Public Interest Litigation: What is it?
Toolkit for a Defamation Lawsuit’s Victim
The Draft Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2010