The verdict on Ayodhya: a historian’s perspective

A Reading On Africa’s “progress”

The Second Demolition – Nivedita Menon

“The Consistent Judicial Wrongs on the Muslims of India”

What is the Enemy Property Bill-Amendment Saga About?

The Babri Judgement: Threat to Secularism?

Sri Lanka’s 18th Amendment, A threat to Sri Lankan Democracy.

CIC’s Ruling Raises Hopes for Transparency in Governance

DN Jha and the History of Babri

Information as a Right

One For the Ladies!

Eco or Posco? [Make a note of the committees and the various acronyms and names]

Judges’ Retirement Age: Protecting the Lawgivers?

Suicide bombing: Islam or Foreign Occupation?

5 Zombie Ideas that refuse to die

Judiciary Upholds the Syrian Christian Woman’s Right to Property

Youngest GITMO Detainee pleads guilty
[What is plea bargaining, is it legal in India? Merits? Demerits?

Corruption in the Judiciary: Lowering the Bar?

India’s Morning.

Pakistan’s New “Dawn”

Shanghai’s World Expo

Madban and the Struggle Against a Nuclear Power Plant

Bangladesh’s Refugee Crisis

The Samata Judgment

Jean Dreze On the Indian Middle Class

Freedom to Speak and the issues regarding Hate Speech

AFSPA: National Security Tyranny

Zimbabwe’s Blood Diamonds, India and the Kimberley Process

UID and the Privacy Debate

What’s up in our Neighbors’ Courts?

Cabinet Approves the “Prevention of Sexual Harassment in Workplaces Bill”

Public Interest Litigation: What is it?

Toolkit for a Defamation Lawsuit’s Victim

The Draft Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2010

The Irish Conflict

What does the latest Human Development Index say?