General Knowledge Compendium – 23


Palanisamy Promoth from Tirupattur gets you this 9-pager. We have a backlog of one more compendium. We apologise for that and promise to be on track in 2-3 days.

Click here to download the 9-pager

PS. Carpe Diem is happening this week. Yaay! 😀

PPS. Don’t forget to post in your queries and comments 🙂


  1. I m really tensed…especially after i got to know that the GK part would be all currents affairs…
    My GK sucks big time!!! I really need some help…could u plz suggest me something as to how to study in the last month???
    and i also wanna know that in the logical reasoning section, as u said there wnt be much of analytical reasoning, so does that mean that there is no need for us to touch the analytical part??

    • For last minute preparation, do all the CLATGyan compendiums.

      and who said that there won’t be much of Analytical? … It will be a part of Logic section and you SHOULD do it.

  2. I’d like to thank ClatGyan for taking the time to help us out.

    Guys, I have a query. Which course should one take? BA LLB or BBA LLB ?
    What different prospects do both of these offer and which one would be a better choice ?

    Waiting eagerly for reply 😀

    • It depends. If you get into a good NLU, then you don’t have any alternative and you can’t do much rather than taking BA LLB. And it would be too lame if you don’t take an NLU just because it doesn’t have BBA LLB.

      This problem actually comes when you get into a College where there is both. Like Symbiosis. Firstly, if you like either of them, choose whatever you like. Secondly, if you’re okay with anything, BBA LLB should be preferred. However, this ultimately doesn’t make much difference. Seniors at Symbiosis told me that if a situation arises where there are two candidates, one of BA and another of BBA, and the recruiter has to decide whom to take, BBA one would be taken. (Assuming that their acads, moots, research etc… were exactly the same).

      • I beg to differ.
        Your ideal choice should be BA LLB.
        Firstly basic grounding in Social Sciences is quintessential to learning law.
        Your law subjects are the same in both the courses.
        Also your options get a little limited with BBA LLB.
        If you are going to law school to something bigger than being in the race for who-wants-to-become-the-next-amarchand-partner then BA LLB is the choice.

        Once you are in law school you will know why I say so.
        Also NALSAR and NLS, the top 2 law schools do not offer anything other than BA LLB. Neither does WBNUJS offer BBA LLB. So unless you dont want to be in a top tier law school, think of BA LLb and come to Justice City or Nagarbhavi.

        • Agreed. I was talking of Symbi. Seniors told me that BBA LLB is normally preferred in case they have to choose between a BA and a BBA candidate. (maybe because Symbi has good MBA).

          • Thanks for replying.

            The thing is that I’ve given my XIIth board exams with PCM (Physics,Chemistry,Maths) and quite frankly, I’m done with those subjects now. So I won’t be taking BSc. and stuff.

            So will it be okay for me to take up BA (or BBA 😛 ) in spite of having not studied either Arts or Commerce in XIIth ? Is it advisable? >.<

            • It sure is. Let me tell you that more than half of the current class at Nalsar took PCM/PCB in 12th, and that includes me. If you are passionate about law, you need not think much about ‘adjusting’, in fact an analytical mind you develop after PCM helps you in law school.
              Even I was ‘done’ with those subjects, a year ago. 😛

  3. since i’m from de commerce background i would be satisfied with BBA LLB….i think some of de NLU’s offer BSC LLB , Bcom LLB as well … so i think variety of options 2 choose .. BBA LLB will slightly favours de commerce background it will have some flavours of 12th so it will be easy 2 cope up rather dan coming 4 science background nd handling dose subjects which u re not actually familiar with ….

      • God!
        Guys your background of Class 12 has nothing to do with what you choose in law school. NALSAR or NLS does not offer anything other than BA LLB. They have a reason. Take a wild guess why!!!
        Also if someone is so interested in being an accountant then why join law school. FOR GOD’S SAKE IT’ S THE HALLOWED PORTALS OF A LAW SCHOOL. GET IT? LAW SCHOOL!!!! With malice towards one and all let me tell you if you are happy in going to some random law school so be it.

        No recruiter cares much about BBA or BA LLB. But given a preference they will all go to a higher ranked law school. So get it? At the end of the day it doesnt matter what you do, BA or BBA. It’s all the same. But BBA LLB does limit your options. As I mentioned if your life’s aim is bigger than being a partner at Amarchand, BA LLB it is.

        • hey dude u re such a good counselor , i really acknowledge dis fact .Since i’m aiming at litigating it doesn’t going 2 effect me whether i will take BA llb or BBA llb .. 🙂

  4. Also another important thing, the law school matters much more than the course. First GET INTO A TOP LAW SCHOOL. Then decide on the course! There’s one month left. Stop thinking of courses and study your back sides off to become a Nalsarite or NLS(whatever they call themselves).

  5. u had mentioned de exact point which most of our law aspirants should be keen about … tnx 4 reminding me dat we all re competitors nd clearing hurdles should be our priority …BUT i have a different view towards dese law firms which at dese moment is not de right time 2 share …