Static General Knowledge Module – III


Click here to download the third of the Static General Knowledge Modules. All credits, as usual, go to Lokesh Kaza (NALSAR – Class of 2018). Click here for the first one and here for the second one.


    • Under Ministry of Rural Develment , GOVT. OF INDIA ,the schemes under NATIONAL SOCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMME are as under:- 1IGNOAPS-Indira Gandhi National OLD AGE PENSION SCHEME . AGE REQUIREMENT IS 59YYEARS TO 79YEARS for RS.300 entitlement and above 80 years it is Rs.500/ from cent ral govt and states are expected to contribute equal share .2.FOR IGNWPS-INDIRA WIDOW PENSION SCHEME, AGE criteria is 40-79 years and pension is revised from Rs.200 to Rs 300/ w.e.f 01/10/2012, 3.under NFBS- NATIONAL NATIONAL BENEFIT SCHEME,The age requirement is 18-59 years and lump sum one time grant w.e.f 18/10/2012, is Rs.20000/.4.IGNDPS- INDIRA GANDHI DIABILITY PENSION SCHEME , AGE OF ELIGIBILTY IS 18-79 YEARS and 300/are paid by GOI.IN all pensions beneficiary has to be from BPL families. FOR details please AFTER 80 YEARS all pensioners are shifted to IGNOPS.

  1. Clarification needed!
    Wasn’t the age limit revised from 65 to 60 in the Indira Gandhi old age pension scheme?