Here Comes the Sun! Current Affairs: 2011


Well hello. This is “The Really Big Compendium” we were talking about. Takes care of everything from January 2011 to December 2011.

The notification doesn’t talk about January, so do I have to do all of that? Yes, because there are necessary connections that you will have to make in order to understand the continuity and flow of events.

This is a continuation of the previous GK post as reading through this would ensure that you have, to a great extent, consolidated your GK prep.

This is 45 pages and on time. It is very rude to download something like this and not thank the people who worked for it. Nalsarites (not CGers for a change) Apurv Sharma (Batch of 2015) and Kshitij Goyal (Batch of 2016) have assiduously compiled this bulky compendium. Make sure you thank them.

Click here to download CG’s “Current Affairs 2011”

Happy Reading



  1. thanks guys …..words can’t express my gratitude for the Current Affairs Compedium…….thanks a lot guys…..posted at the right time……thank u NALSARites…….

  2. really appreciate all the hard work and efforts you guys put in..CG is a GREAT help 🙂 
    A BIG thanks for the BIG compendium Apurv and Kshitij 🙂

  3. thanxxxxxx a lot  Apurv and Kshitij,,,,i was looking from where i can get the same,,,,for remind,,,,thanx again and all d best to all NALSARiers

  4. Hey guys thnx sooooo much… the compendium is great…. reflects your effort!!!!
    Really nice of you, Apurv and Kshitij… 🙂 Thanks a ton!!!! 🙂

  5. thanks a lot  apurv nd kshitiz for ur exhaustive G.k support……..G.k could’ nt have been much simpler than this……….bst of lck batch 2015 nd 2016…..wish u grt success ahead…….

  6. thanku thanku thanku so much..i was bit afraid about gk part but bcuz of u guys…haf of d trouble is solved…ur saviorss,,, thankzz:)