Whole Lotta Love & The Car Number Game : An Intro to Mathematics


CLAT Mathematics. Both these words are quite (in)famous for the reaction they cause in the mind of young students. CLAT, being the sole major law exam every law aspirant banks their career on (ok, maybe not sole, but definitely the most important) naturally brings a certain nervousness and fear in the heart of students , and a many a sweat on their brows.

Mathematics, on the other hand, needs no introduction. If there was a poll on the most hated subjects of all time, I’m sure maths would figure near the top. But together, trust me, they lose all their potency. If you really want it, the mathematics section of CLAT is the easiest thing to crack you’ll find when you give the paper next year. If CLAT 2010 is anything to go by, (which it isn’t) it’ll be a question of what you can do faster-read the question or solve the question.
But to assume THAT level of easiness every year would be foolish. After all, maths is maths, and if the paper setter is in a bad mood, it can screw your life. But what we are sure of is that if your approach is right, you’ll always solve it, and solve it well.
A quick analysis of CLAT tells us that the level of maths is basic to say the least, and requires familiarity with numbers, rather than knowledge of advanced calculus. This brings us to our first point:
LOVE the numbers.
Exactly. That’s it. The secret. Presto. Voila. Love the numbers. You must have a familiarity with numbers that makes your girlfriend/boyfriend jealous. Look for numbers in everything – in cricket (score!), in the calendar (bore!), while spending your money (need more?). In CLAT, all you need is speed. And there is no better way to achieve this than regular practice. Trust me, regular practice is boring. Which is why if you LOVE your numbers, you’ll find a way to practice without getting bored. Now, how do you love something as mundane as a number [after all, it gives no satisfaction]. This is what I’ll teach you right here. The gyan for a successful abhyaan.

This is the easiest way to increase your speed in basic calculation. Now, we all know getting stuck in traffic is bad, and this is a way out of it. The rules are simple:
1) Find a car – cars…They are everywhere, no probs here.
2) Read the number-It must be four digit and must not contain zero
3) Make it zero- Perform any mathematical operation on the four separate digits (except the stupid stuff like multiplying and dividing by zero) TO MAKE THE RESULT ZERO.
e.g. 3719
Cube root of 8=2
2/2 =1
Do it to as many car numbers as you find(mentally , and fast-10 seconds and you lose). Play it with friends to see who wins. By the time the year is over, you’ll be performing basic mathematical operations faster than a f***ing calculator.
20 questions in 2 minutes = Good for your CLAT score
If you’re good, you’ll do them in 70 seconds. That’s what I did.

So, keep coming here to LOVE the numbers,
Get the Gyan, crack the CLAT, hit away your fears with a baseball bat!!!


  1. awesome article…….. i loved reading it……. written in a light, humorous but effective manner……. quite an interesting activity i should say…………… it keeps me awake while i am on my way 2 college every morning….. 😀

  2. And if we are dumb and are unable to solve the sums in 2 mins…should we not be be having the top berths in mind ? 🙁

    This is scary !! How do I get rid of this Maths phobia ? 🙁 🙁

  3. 😛

    I have got with me – NALSAR, NLS AND NUJS past papers. I solve them and I am through ? I was doing M L Aggarwal. That’s tough and so are the LST practice papers.

  4. @ Premangsu… Good job. Do the LST Practice Papers and I have no idea about M L Agarwal. I dont think you ll have to do that. However, keep practicing everyday. Never ever leave it. The main task is to solve the questions in the shortest time possible and not to get an answer.

    All the best,

  5. hello!!!

    I need HELP!! n hope that I m at the right place ………………………:)

    From where should i practice maths? 10th class NCERT ???.. Which section should I cover?Are the sections(maths) given in LEXIS sufficient?

    pls clear one more doubt, how can i get complete past yrs papers?

    Looking forward to a prompt reply!

    • Practice Math from the past years’ papers, the extra question papers given at the end of Pratiyogita Darpan and your LST mocks/modules. All of this should suffice.

      And please look at the post called “Demand and Supply” in the “News and Misc.” section for the past years’ papers.

  6. I’ve heard this, and heard this invariably, maths is the easiest. Yet in our lst mocks, maths is so darn tough that a majority of us leave the whole section, solving logical, legal etc. in the hope that math will be easy in the actual exam. And those who do attempt math usually end up attempting only that one section properly.

  7. i have a maths “phobia” . i prefer not to attempt maths until or unless i have some time left in mock.
    but this is an awesome thing.
    thank you.:)

  8. You won’t believe this but I’ve been playing the car number game since 3rd grade. Some of my friends and I used to challenge each other in the school bus. I still do it, it’s a subconscious thing for me now.