Legal Aptitude Exercise- Legal Knowledge Part 2

A decision of the Supreme Court of India is binding on which of the following?

Which of the following countries has an unwritten Constitution?

In which landmark judgment was the doctrine of basic structure of the Indian Constitution  discussed extensively?

What is Jewish law also known as?

“Ultra vires” means

‘Quid pro quo’ means

In legal parlance, the term “high seas” refers to

Which of the following is not a source of international law?

Where is the International Criminal Court located?

A writ of certiorari is issued when

Who is currently the Chairman of the Law Commission of India?

Which of these is NOT a feature of the Indian Constitution?

What does the doctrine of “Promissory estoppels” in law of contracts mean?

According  to  the  Indian  law  of  contracts,  which  of  the  following  renders  a  contract voidable?

What does the common law principle of “stare decisis” mean?


  1. thanks for the questions..and for this
    ”Congratulations – you have completed Aniruddh Legal Part 2. You scored 10 out of 15. Your performance have been rated as ‘Competent”’

  2. i like it/……………………its actually superb/……………….i got 14 out of 15……..thanks anirudh n clatgyan……….got to know many new things in legal…………………………..