November 2012 – CLATGyan Mock General Knowledge Set

1) Who is the third Indian American in the US House of Representatives?

2) Who is the first Hindu American to be in the US House of Representatives?

3) Govt.of India in November, 2012 signed an Agreement with World Bank for financing Karnataka Health Systems Development for

4) Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved Dis-investment of 9.5% in

5) Who among the following are : IAAF World Athletes of the year 2012

6) In which year Green House Gases level reached record high

7) TONGARIRO Volcano erupted in which of the following countries

8) Indo Japan US trilateral dialogue was held in

9) Which of the following countries finalized a mechanism for shipping uranium in to India

10) Which of the following countries has lifted travel advisory on Jammu & Kashmir

11) Which of the following countries is not included in E-9 countries

12) According to International Energy Agency estimates US would become World largest Oil Producer by

13) India added 22 commodities to promote trade with which of the following neighboring countries

14) Eighth meeting of Indo UK Joint working group was held on

15) Which of the following countries military’s ban on women at Combat positions was challenged

16) Govt.of India announced minimum support price for which of the following commodities

17) RSPCL (Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Ltd) on 5th November, 2012 signed an agreement of Joint Venture with which of the following companies

18) In which of the following state Discovery communication has launched kids channel

19) Income ceiling for which of the following groups was raised by Govt.of India

20) Which of the following countries has banned import of Eggs & Chicken from India

21) National Cancer Institute is to be developed in which of the following states

22) Which is the following countries oil firm acquired 26% stake of K-G Basin of ONGC

23) In which of the following states a fine of Rs.6,000 crore was slapped alleging involvement in illegal and excess mining

24) Which of the following online travel agencies acquired Hotel Travel Group(HT Group) for $ 25 Million

25) Which of the telecom majors tied up with ICICI bank to launch mobile payment service

26) Which of the following countries has canceled its biggest foreign investment project

27) Which of the following credit rating agencies has down graded that debt rating of Sony and Panasonic Corporations

28) Which of the following mobile companies has introduced rebranded map service “HERE”

29) Which of the following Laboratories launched SILDENAFIL Tablets a Bio equivalent generic version of REVITIO Tablets in the US Market

30) Appollo Hospital has signed a pact with which of the following Airlines

31) How many Indians did Goldman Sachs named as its Managing Directors

32) Which of the following states announced tablet computer for students who pass matriculation

33) Costal Chain of Static Sensors was positioned in which of the following state’s coast

34) Union Government decided to lift ban on

35) Which of the following companies signed an MoU with Madhya Pradesh State Government to build 5 Million ton capacity mine at MalangKhand

36) “Adhikar Rally” was held in which of the following states for demanding special status

37) Which of the following state Governments is mulling of reintroduction of Sports Quota in Government Jobs

38) What percent of reservation for women was granted in Assam Panchayat Elections

39) Which of the following High Courts has launched E-court fee system

40) An agri loan waiver of worth Rs.16.50 crore which benefits half million farmers was announced in

41) Who among the following has inaugurated new help line service 1090 for women

42) The decade old ban on most of the imports from which of the following countries was lifted by the U.S?

43) Which of the following countries has signed with India the pact on rare earth metals?

44) Who one of the following India n was not conferred the Knight of the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by France?

45) Who among the following Squash players of India has claimed the IJm Land Penang Open after defeating Siti Munirah Jusoh of Malaysia:

46) “Conspiracy to kill Rajiv Gandhi- from CBI files” is a book by:

47) Which of the following countries opted out from the D-8 summit which was held in Pakistan :

48) RBI signed an MoU for for promoting greater co -operation and sharing supervisory information with which of the following countries:

49) Who among the following was appointed as brand ambassador of McCain foods?

50) Name the Swiss Company that acquired French apparel company Lacoste?

Oh, it's not done yet. Four more bonus questions! 51) Name the Tamil Writer and Novelist who died in the month of November?

52) Who among the following won South-African Sportsman of the Year 2012 award?

53) Mahendra Singh Dhoni renamed his Superbike Championship Team. What was the previous name of his racing team and it has been changed to?

54) Who among the following crickters received received the honorary membership of the Order of Australia by Simon Crean ?

Make sure you’ve solved the previous ones. Click here to know about these sets.