October 2013 – CLATGyan Mock General Knowledge Set

1. Which of the following has been named as mascot of the 35th National Games to be hosted by Kerala in 2014?

2. In which of the following places world’s longest railway platform is being coming up?

3. In October 2013, which country has announced its withdrawal from Commonwealth of Nations 48 years after joining?

4. Who has been appointed as Chairman of India Premier League (IPL)?

5. Who has been appointed as Brand Ambassador of National Tobacco Control campaign?

6. At which place is India’s largest Air Traffic Control Tower has been inaugurated recently?

7. According to Global Gender Gap Report 2013, which country is the most advanced country in the world in terms of gender equality?

8. Which bank has recently become the first bank to allow customers to open an account with just their Aadhaar number (no paperwork needed)?

9. Wikipedia has started a service that sends articles via text messages to reach people who do not have internet access. The new service primarily aimed at users in _?

10. Which is the venue of the World Islamic Economic Forum for 2013?

11. Who has emerged as winner of Indian Grand Prix 2013?

12. In October 2013, which country has decided to scrap its two-currency system?

13. Who has been awarded with the prestigious Mother Teresa Memorial International Award for Social Justice?

14. Which one of the following is a recently launched pension and life insurance fund scheme for blue collar Indian workers?

15. Scientists from which of the following countries have developed the world’s first vaccine for bird flu H7N9 virus recently?

16. Who has been awarded France highest civilian award Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur” recently?

17. Who was appointed as the Air Force Chief of India?

18. The US space agency NASA is preparing to launch MAVEN spacecraft to probe the atmosphere on the __?

19. Which of the following states has been named as the best region to visit in 2014 by a leading travel guide Lonely Planet?

20. As per the World Bank’s ease of doing business index the best place within India to do business is___?

21. Which of the following countries will assume the role of Chairman of the Indian Ocean Rim Association for Regional Cooperation (IOC-ARC) for next two year term?

22. In which country, world’s first publicly accessible ATM machine which can exchange digital currency (Bit coins) for any official currency has been launched recently?

23. Which district of India has become the first zero-landless district in the country?

24. Who among the following has become first elected Tamil Chief Minister of Sri Lanka?

25. World’s first malaria vaccine is being made by?

26. Who won International Press Institute Award for excellence in Journalism?

27. Which is the venue for the 9th World Trade Organisation Ministerial conference which will be held in December 2013?

28. The first mega food park in Uttar Pradesh would be set up in Jagdishpur of Amethi district. This mega food park would be developed by__?

29. Which of the following places All-Women Sharia court to redress grievance of Muslim women started functioning?

30. Who has been recently inducted into the prestigious National Academy of Engineering, United States for his contribution to industrial development in India and world?

31. Who has been appointed as chairperson of State Bank of India (SBI)?

32. India and which of the following countries come together to practice amphibious war manoeuvres in Goa under the code name “Exercise Shatrujeet”?

33. Name the Indian-American, who has been nominated to top-key position in trade promotion arm of the US Commerce department?

34. Who has been appointed as Director General of UNESCO?

35. Which of the following became the first telecom operator in the country to receive Unified Licence from the government?

36. Which of the following has been named the world’s top university by the Times Higher Education Global ranking?

37. Who among the following will be conferred the Indira Gandhi Award for National Integration for the year 2012?

38. Name the Canadian author who won 2013 Nobel Prize for Literature?

39. Which of the following banks has won the Golden Peacock Award for excellence in corporate governance 2013?

40. Which of the following mobile makers has unveiled world’s first curved display smartphone?

41. Which of the following organisations has won 2013 Nobel Peace Prize?

42. In October 2013, Indira Gandhi International airport signed a MoU called Sister Airport Agreement with which airport?

43. India Post has launched Instant Cash, an instant electronic money transfer service in partnership with ____?

44. United States Lars Peter Hansen, Eugene Fama and Robert Shiller won the 2013 Nobel Economic Prize for their groundbreaking work on ___?

45. In October 2013, which of the following countries has announced it would become the first member of the Euro zone, to exist an international bail-out programme?

46. Who among the following has received Elton John AIDS Foundation’s first ever Award?

47. New Zealand’s “Elean Catton” won the Man of Booker Prize 2013 for her novel ____?

48. In October 2013, Which of the following nations has signed a comprehensive free trade agreement with European Union?

49. Who has become the first ever recipient of Genesis Prize, an award popularly dubbed the “Jewish Nobel Prize”?

50. With which neighboring country, India has signed a Border Defense Cooperation Agreement in October 2013?

Make sure you’ve solved the previous ones. Click here to know about these sets.


  1. 36th should be Harvard – http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2014/reputation-ranking