Mock Test Two (Free) | The CLATGyan Test Series 2017


The Test Series has been something that CLATGyan has consistently been working on since its inception six years ago, and the same continues for yet another year. We announced the schedule, and started enrollments for the CLATGyan Test Series – 2017 in late June. This mock test is the second of the series of thirteen tests which will run all year long leading up to the CLAT. Do solve the the test even if you feel that you are not yet prepared enough to take mock tests. If nothing, it will work as a good measure to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Once you solve the mock test, go through all the questions along with the answers and explanations. Make sure you look at the explanations of all the questions, irrespective of whether you could answer them correctly or not. The aim of the test series is not only to test you, but also to provide you with a galore of information. And if you like the test, do consider enrolling for the test series here.

Click here to download the test!

Click here to download the answers and explanations!

If you have any queries regarding the test series, send them at: For all other questions, doubts, and queries:

All the very best!


  1. Would like to thank you for providing opportunity to give mock test. I got 140.5 marks in mock no 2. How would you rate my performance..regards

    • Hello Abhay,
      It is working fine. I suggest you use a different browser to download the file or maybe, you have downloads blocked on your computer.