Test One from the CLATGyan Test Series 2020 Published



We have released the Test One from the CLATGyan Test Series 2020 and it will be accessible on the online test portal (details of which have already been sent to you on your respective email addresses). The first test is a sectional test from the English section and the topics covered in the test are para jumbles, foreign phrases, idioms, synonyms and antonyms and sentence correction.

For a sneak peak of the test, solve the following quiz:

Sneak Peak of Test 1 (English):

Parajumbles: 1. A) Word spread of the rebuff, so that when the Prime Minister and his Burmese guest turned up to address a public meeting in their honour they saw their audience walking out as they arrived. B) Six months later, Nehru visited the Naga capital, Kohima, in the company of the Burmese Prime Minister U Nu. C) In one account, the Nagas bared their bottoms as they went. D) When a Naga delegation wished to meet Nehru to present a memorandum, local officials refused to allow them an audience.

Parajumbles: 2. A) Ratnavati was much younger than her stepbrother Ajab Singh, and was as universally liked as he was disliked. B) She was the jewel of Rajasthan. C) Tales of her beauty and delightful temperament  spread far and wide and she received many marriage proposals. D) The guide told us of the beautiful princess Ratnavati, who was the daughter of Chatr Singh. E) A tantrik priest, who was well versed in black magic, fell in love with her.

Synonyms: 3. Gratify

Synonyms: 4. Recondite

Antonyms: 5. During the Coldplay concert, the police officers could not control the crowd that became absolutely fractious.

Antonyms: 6. Admitting her transgression to the High Sparrow, Cersei confessed that she had shown impiety in regards to prayer.

Foreign Phrases: 7. Each military operation that took place in Dras was conducted sub rosa.

Foreign Phrases: 8. Shabana Azmi whet my appetite to go for another theatre performance after I watched her play at the Ravindra Bharti Auditorium.

Idioms: 9. The acid test of a good driver would be whether he or she remains calm in an emergency situation.

Idioms: 10. Simran only had a few weeks left to her wedding to get her act together.

Click here to download the detailed brochure for the CLATGyan Test Series 2020.

Before you decide on taking the test, make sure that you’re mentally prepared for it. That means you would be required to put aside two hours for just attempting the mock. Since you will be doing this from the comfort of your home, it would be better if you create an atmosphere that makes it conducive for an examination. Keep household chores on hold and the urge to check social media at bay.

Most crucially, attempt the tests as and when they are released. Keeping them pending because you think you will take them in the last month before CLAT is a bad idea. It goes against what mocks aim to do and that is, they give you a glimpse of what your preparation is like. If you figure that out now, you have room (erm, time) for improvement and you don’t have to go through all that trauma of wondering where you faltered.

A good score for Test 1 will be around 80 to 85 (out of 100). Do send your scores to your personal mentor we had allotted and ask him/her for advice on how to strengthen areas that you are weak in. Also remember that you can only benefit from a test if you understand why an answer of yours has turned out to be right or wrong. So, make sure you go through all the questions once you are done with the test.

For all other queries or doubts, write us a mail at: testseries@clatgyan.com.

To those who haven’t registered for the Test Series and want to do so now, click here. If you’re simply looking to kickstart your preparation, write to us at clatgyan@gmail.com to get your very own Personalized Action Plan.