The CLATGyan Test Series – 2017 | Going Online to Make it Real!



We hope your preparation is in full flow as it must be at the juncture. If not, force yourselves to get in the zone. Preparing at the fag end, when CLAT is right under your nose, is something that mostly everyone taking the exam does. But what differentiates the rankers from the others is the time they devote now.

Coming to the point of this post, we have been receiving plenty of mails regarding the CLATGyan Test Series – 2017, more specifically queries with regard to the mode in which the tests will be available.

Until now, our tests were delivered as PDFs to the email addresses of those who signed up. You could download and solve them using the old pen and paper method. But as CLAT has shifted online, we’ve realized that it’s time for us to welcome the new wave.

computerfixedWe have now decided that our tests should be made available online on a platform where you could log in and take the test. We intend to give you the real CLAT experience with the timer ticking and with every wrong answer leading you to be marked negatively. However, you will be able to take each of the tests only once. But you can always login to review the tests you’ve solved.

As you must already know (if you’ve been an ardent follower of CG), we have our hectic schedules at NALSAR that suck the blood out of us. This coupled with internships. You’ll understand what we mean when you crack CLAT 2017 and end up here.  Due to all this, we will have to change the schedule of the Test Series. The first two tests have already been posted on the website and can be accessed from here and here. The schedule for the rest of the tests has been changed to give us enough time to draft the tests and post them online. Nothing else, apart from the mode and schedule, has changed. And the rest is assured. These will be quality tests based on the CLAT 2017 pattern and will give you a credible reference point to check where you stand. We try to second-guess what could be asked in the real CLAT and try to frame such questions, something that has worked well for six years now.

When and how will I get the tests?

All the tests will be held online on a portal and you can take the test as per your convenience with only one attempt being permitted. They shall be released according to the following schedule which is, however, subject to minor adjustment as per our semester schedule at NALSAR:

First Mock Test – 5th August (Free) – Click here to access
Second Mock Test – 17th August (Free) – Click here to access
Third Mock Test – 24th December
Fourth Mock Test – 30th December
Fifth Mock Test – 6th January
Sixth Mock Test – 13th January
Seventh Mock Test – 27th January
Eight Mock Test – 5th February
Ninth Mock Test (AILET) – 14th February
Tenth Mock Test (SET) – 7th March
Eleventh Mock Test (LSAT) – 18th March
Twelfth Mock Test – 25th March
Thirteenth Mock Test – 13th April

Anything else apart from the mocks?

Yes, we’ll allot you a personal mentor who shall be from the First/Second/Third year of NALSAR. The mentor will always be there to assist you with your CLAT preparation (on phone, email and facebook). You can send over your mock tests’ scores and doubts to your mentor, he/she will evaluate your performance and suggest methods of improvement.

If you’re already enrolled, you must have been allotted a mentor already. Keep in touch with him/her and shoot all your doubts on a routine basis.

How much does it cost and how do I enroll?

Click here to enroll. The Test Series is priced at Rs. 5,000/-.

How do I contact you?

Send your mails to If it’s real urgent, ring us on +919948014786 (Zainab).

If you know of any coaching institute which is distributing the CLATGyan mocks, either entirely or partly, please report them to us. Coaching institutes interested in using this series for your students may mail us at

All the very best,



  1. How about sharing other coaching institutes online portal? I know about a few who I don’t trust but it would be great if you kind of merge with them and share profits. It may save you a lot of time and also may help you provide your invaluable services better, for those institutes most likely have hired professional web developers. Sorry for my bad grammar.
    Thank You.

    • We already have an online portal which we used for few tests in 2014. We are rescheduling the tests because we want to make good questions and raise the quality of our tests. You will notice when you start taking them. 🙂

    • Hello! The first two tests are available on our website and the details of access with regard to third test onwards shall be forwarded to your email address in due course of time.