Centralised Counselling For CLAT 2011: What’s in store for you?


As reported by the Times of India, the WBNUJS has decided to hold centralized counseling for CLAT 2011. CLAT results will be published on the basis of overall merit, gender wise, state-wise and reservation and category-wise. Thus the overall All India General Category will have their counseling in Kolkata whereas the individual law schools will hold the reservation based counseling.

What is centralized counseling?

In this process all students are called to once place and according to rank you get to choose your law school, on the basis of your merit and the availability of seats in your preferred law school at that point of time.

Say your rank is 100 and NLS and NALSAR seats are filled up then you can not only go to NUJS but any other law school of your choice. You are no more just bound by the preferences you give in your form and can do a ‘spot choice’.

Important Advice from CLATGyan:

Every year each organizing university announces that there will be centralized counseling but till now it has never happened and therefore we will urge you to give the utmost importance and attention to the preference list in your form that you fill up as in most likelihood that shall be your final preference. ClatGyan shall come out with a detailed ranking of law schools and how to go about filling your firms at the right time, just before the forms are available. So we are there with you!

We fail to understand how this is in tandem with the entire idea of reducing costs on behalf of students as this shall entail students and at least one parent from various corners of India needing to come down to Kolkata and incur further expenses on the entire travel and stay.

So do fill your form carefully as centralized counseling may get scrapped, like every year (based on experience). In that case your form shall be your last and final preference so dill fill it with the utmost of care.

We welcome the idea of doing away with visual reasoning so that visually impaired and differently- abled persons have a better chance at CLAT 2011 and also the fact that they get extra time. We hear that visually impaired aspirants shall will be given 30 minutes of extra time.

[This article is based on a report in the Times of India. ClatGyan is not responsible for any inadvertent errors or any loss that one may incur, both pecuniary and otherwise, due to the said report. Here’s the link: http://lite.epaper.timesofindia.com/mobile.aspx?article=yes&pageid=4&edlabel=TOIBG&mydateHid=30-12-2010&pubname=Times%20of%20India%20-%20Bangalore%20-%20Front%20Page&edname=&articleid=Ar00404&publabel=TOI ]

All the Best!

Do adhere to the advice. It’s based on our experience.


The real trouble with reality is that there’s no background music.



  1. Yeah Centralized Counselling makes little sense.
    But lets hope we have a trip to NUJS on cards 🙂
    Thanks for the update!

  2. hey guys… one doubt.. they said in legal aptitude they we dont have to learn all thos principles coz thyr’re gonna b taught in the law skuls itself.. then in CLAT what are we going to be tested upon?

  3. @ Srishti, I guess I was the one who told you not to learn the concepts and principles… Because CLAT wont test your knowledge on these concepts and principles of law. They’ll only test your reasoning power and ability of application of a principle of law on given facts and come out with a decision. So, dont learn the concepts, just practice the application of law on facts!

  4. Hey, I had a doubt as well. Suppose they give some principle to apply to a certain case, and we happen to know that there are exceptions/corrollaries/specific applications of that particular principle. So, do we consider our added info, or restrict ourselves ONLY to the given principle?

    • @Padmini, You restrict youself only to the given principle even if you know it is wrong or has other additions to it.
      Say a principle says ‘forced peno vaginal intercourse against the will of the fair sex is defined as theft’. Even if you know that this is the definition of rape and not theft but still you accept it as such and proceed accordingly. In leagal reasoning you wear blinkers and shall be guided only by the principle at hand and not include any information that you may know beforehand.

  5. SD, what exactly comes under the ambit of visual reasoning, the way they’ve decided to do away with it? That will include questions that REQUIRE one to draw- family trees, tables, and venn(s), and such like, right?

  6. That is called “pushing it”. Visual reasoning primarily involves figure series, etc. Maybe directions also. But Syllogisms, Family, etc will stay

  7. I bought the CLAT 2011 form todaY from National Law Institute University, Bhopal.

    though almost everything is similar to that of previous year OMR ( form), except the fact that there is no column for the preference list of the Universities.

    Are they panning to have a centralized counseling in Kolkata, or the council may happen over Internet, or in the nearby Law Universities. I am confused.

  8. I think its time that NUJS clarifies how its going to conduct counselling of students, its unfair to force every student from diff corners of India to come to Kolkata. I think counselling at various NLUs, linked to a central database controlled at NUJS, is good solution.

  9. hey guys…………………… i got 113 rank in ALL INDIA basis ……………………………….. so am i eligible to join wbnujs??????