New CLAT Pattern OUT!!!!: Proving how ClatGyan was RIGHT!


Okay, the beautiful new CLAT Website is refreshing, for two reasons: one, it is well designed and very fast and two, because it has given us broad guidelines to the exact portion of what shall be coming in a law entrance test. It is reform time, and CLATGyan knew it!

We’ve been, since the inception of this website 4 months back, been emphasising the fact that this exam will be a purely Current Affairs based question paper, as far as GK is concerned. However, so that you aren’t at sea when you look at the paper, we advised you to do a little bit of Static as well. STOP DOING THAT. ‘Cause, its going to be only current affairs from May 2010 to May 2011 – and essentially, only main headlines. CG will do the needful to make up for the “lost months”. Nothing to worry about. Now you know why the compendiums and GK Doses were so important, eh?

Second, a very big worry for us was the fact that English would go for an overhaul. However, again, we’d emphasised the need for you to do a little bit of vocabulary. Again, we were proven right. Apparently, you will be tested in grammar and reading comprehension. In the latter, you’ll have to look at central themes, contextual vocabulary, etc. Your three free CG mocks will ensure that you’re well prepared to face the paper. As long as CG is around, we’ll ensure that no stone is unturned. Apart from that, there will be grammar that you be tested upon. So, concentrate on fill-in-the blanks, and other excercises, such as correction of sentences, etc.

Maths: Wish there was news like this in 2010. You’ll be tested only in elementary Mathematics. That is, till Class X. CG has covered all Math topics, with extra tips. Since this is for 20 marks, try making the most of it, in minimum time.

Logical Reasoning: At the risk of sounding repetitive, CG is right again! More of verbal reasoning (incorrect arguments, analogies, etc) and less of Analytical Reasoning. Keeping in mind the social sensitivity measures that WBNUJS is taking, there will be no visual reasoning – we’ll try and get clarifications as to whether directions and distance will be asked here or not.

Legal Aptitude: This is to test your reasoning, not your memory. And we’re glad that this aberration has been rectified. So you’ll have legal reasoning, and nothing on legal knowledge. NOTHING. No latin maxims to learn, no articles/amendments, no constitution, no case law, no legislations – amazing, no? A word of caution though: A few questions might appear as part of your GK. For example the Babri judgment is “Current” and very much in news. Similar stuff, so stay aware.

All the best with this exam. The pattern is very promising and praise-worthy for its pragmatism. We are waiting for you at Nalsar’s Gates! Now you know that you can trust us. Do not disappoint us, work hard now, as you know what you are working for!



We thank ClatGyaner, Abhay Singh for the timely update. And also praise the CLAT Committee for mentioning the exact pattern for Law Aspirants.

Official announcement: & our analysis:


  1. It’s weird . One look at the website and you think you know what the paper is going to be like – it’s like you can almost see the different sections – the questions and all. It’s ‘freaking stark’ and ‘outrageous’ 😛

    Err..regarding the maths section – do you think it’s going to be tough ? :s ( Considering CLAT 2008 maths was moderate – tough)

  2. Great !! Our predictions were on target !!! And the NUJS has been nice and goody-goody in clearly telling what to study and what not. Best of luck ppl!! Now the ball is in your court. Get busy with it ! and v, the CG team will b there to help you at each step.
    Ohh, and so much for those who doubted our credibility ! 🙂

    • archit…don’t you think , removing all those parts such as latin maxims, articles/amendments, constitution, case law, legislations ….would affect the friends who have been preparing for this clat from a long time…reading all those n.c.e.r.t books…,.just having the current affairs means….go to a book shop …buy a book having all the currents…..mug up…n jz crack the clat… wud be lyk dumping all the crammers in the best colleges…..dont forget friend….we just do not need the intenligent minds in NLU’s …..we do need more of Clever minds….n dis purpose is defeated… 😛

      • Shivam, the purpose is that we’ve people who’ve minds of their own and not kids who can mug up. You come to law school so that you can learn the constitution, case law, latin maxims, clauses, sections, amendments, etc. If we keep the old pattern running, the whole test would’ve been an elitist farce – students belonging to better classes, have better access to such information, while students belonging to lower classes would be disadvantaged.

        A paper that tests static knowledge would result in a situation where you could mug up from textbooks. But in a case where only current is tested, it’d require the kid to be in touch with the day-to-day happenings, mugging up would be impossible.

        The best crammers are the unaware ones, the ones who can mug up Articles, Amendments, Sections, etc – no the ones who are generally aware of what’s going in the country and around the world.

        • aymen…may be you are right….but the point is that…when you enter a law college..u need not know that how many centuries did sachin scored ….or who is blah blah minister…..the thing a clat aspirant must know is “what is an article ” … he must know the abc of the constitution n the IPC ..he must know from where does this constituion arrives….
          he must n he should know …after all what he is going to study for the next 5 years of his not saying that current affairs is not essential…but some where down the line…its the static knowledge…thats going to help him .

          • And how would it help a student of law to know when the first university in Maharashtra was established? Or, for that matter, even the “first high court of the country”?

            What IPC is, or what an article is – is something everyone will eventually learn in law school. Whether you have the aptitude (and not the memory) – is what counts.

            • but man…asking the current affairs …is no way evaluating the legal aptitude…very simple example- when a tiny tot starts his studies…he is taught A B C D ….although evryone knows that he will be taught this in school…but he is taught this so that he can absorb it soon ….and move to the next step …that is A for Apple …exactly the same way …when u sit in a class..the professor wont tell you that “WHAT IS AN ARTICLE ‘ ….it is expected that you know it…and the professor moves to the next step…i.e the implementation….if a student dont know ..what exactly the term “EQUALITY” means …how can he understand …what “THE RIGHT TO EQUALITY ” is… !!

              • Hence, they also test you in English. Not in Legal Ap alone.
                And when you are doing your current affairs, you’ll know about it all.
                Besides, the basic knowledge – of what the parliament, constitution, president, prime minister, etc are, is provided to you in school, if you were dozing off then, pay the price now.

            • sir…you said that “, if you were dozing off then, pay the price now.” …but by the new system..people who were dozing off will have a good time…and people who were giving special attention to these topics in school…who worked good on these topics…all in waste..

  3. How can one finish 45 legal reasoning questions along with the other sections within 2 hours?

    You need super-human abilities to do that !

  4. @ rishika – this year’s CLAT WILL definitely test your time management skills. 45 legal reasoning questions in 2 hours might not b that tough also. There are some legal reasoning questions that are not as long , they just test ur concepts. so don’t get disheartened by this news. instead work to increase ur speed, speed in reading the questions and speed in things like filling bubbles. Form a strategy that suits u best and saves time. Speed and accuracy will be the key to cracking CLAT. And Dont worry if its super-human for you, so is it for others.!

    Best of Luck!

  5. “In the comprehension section, candidates will be questioned on their understanding of the passage and its central theme, meanings of words used therein etc.”
    The last part – I interpret as vocabulary-based questions. So, this means aspirants need to know the context of word in the passage, and for that basic vocab is essential.

  6. @ Dhruv… Try again in a few hours. It takes around 24-48 hours for a newly built website to start working around the globe. It happens even if they are shifting the site from one server to another. (DNS Propagation)

    • Deven – We are trying to contact people at Delhi and Cuttack to get something out. Cuttack might follow a pattern similar to CLAT.

  7. thank you so much for the info.i just had a small doubt.going by the above given info..i hav to finish the entire math portion..because i suck at it!gk n legal are my strong points..n i need to work upon my time in cr passages and analytical-i am ok as of now.although still need to improve!what i wanted to ask u -are 3 more months enough, (considering april month is set aside only for revision ), for improving upon my above mentioned weak areas?

  8. is there any chance of nlu-d and nlu-o following the clat pattern given that the new pattern is almost “ideal” something that nlu-d and nlu-o stand for ?

  9. @ Dev … We can only guess. NLU Delhi’s pattern has always been the way CLAT 2011 is going to be. They had 35/35 legal reasoning questions in legal aptitude section and 35/35 CR questions in logic section in 2010 NLU D paper…

    However, unless they release a blue print the way CLAT ppl did, we can say nothing for sure.

  10. Hey to the CG guys,
    i have recently discovered this website and its such a life saver.
    Well, to be honest, i havent started any prep yet because i was caught up in other things. However, i’m willing to do my best in whatever little time is left for the exam “with a little help from my friends”!
    I want to atleast have a fair shot at cracking this you know and now giving it for the heck of it.
    It is such a relief that we wont be tested on acts and amendments and all that affair however i feel the catch i feel is that the cut-offs would be way up there right?! (not a good feeling) 😐

    Looking forward to some encouraging words of advice!

    • If you have specific problems on which you need us to address our advice then mail us personally. State what are your problems and your background. We shall try to afford you with a plan.

  11. for,cr i am solving both aggarwal and mk pandey.but there are some questions which are repeated in the 2 books.and the answers are different in both the books.which book to follow in this case?

    • Whichever answer sounds more convincing.. 😛 Or better yet, just ask your mentors. I believe such clashing questions shouldn’t be too many in number.

      I’ve come across this post a little late, still, to those whinning over why static gk has been chalked out, are you people kidding me? 1. It’s not like you’ve mugged up so much of static that you’d have blown the section anyway. 2. It’s not just an advantage to those who haven’t been mugging static up, it’s an advantage to YOU as well! 3. Just because a few hundred kids have been sweating over static gk the whole year (with due respect), it doesn’t give WBNUJS a good enough reason not to scrape it out. 4. Be optimistic please. ”The optimist takes an action.. The pessimist takes a seat” 😛

  12. What do they mean by legal reasoning? Is it just the principle-facts questions or are there more kinds of these questions?

  13. Oh so ds time CLATz gng to b EASY, n with such syllabus surely there gonna b more CLAT aspirants than Law aspirants. All the vry best to all.