CLAT 2019 – General Knowledge Section


The following are the questions which formed the GK section of CLAT 2019. We’ve mentioned the answer beside each question, in bold. Do let us know if you find any mistake either in the questions or in the answers or if they are from the Legal Aptitude section of the paper.

1. Father of local self-government? Lord Ripon

2. Chief Information Commissioner of India? Sudhir Bhargava

3. Global Teacher Prize given to person from which country? Peter Tabichi (Nakuru, Kenya)

4. Which country released commemorative stamp on the epic Ramayana? Indonesia

5. Comcasa agreement signed between Indian navy and? USA

6. Asat satellite recently launched? Mission Shakti

7. % of angel tax India charges- 30%

8. World happiness index topped by? Finland

9. Mother earth Day – 22nd April

10. MSMEs in India tax benefit turnover under – 20 lakhs

11. mars Lander mission insight launched by – NASA

12. country giving income tax exemption to ladies with more than 4 children- Hungary

13. Filmfare award for best actress? Alia Bhat

14. Percentage increase in the number of green card holders